发布时间:2010-05-26 11:39:00
This unprecedented financial crisis has inflicted a severe impact onboth China and Britain as well as other European countries. The crisis hasnot yet hit the bottom, and it is hard to predict what further damage itmay cause. To work together and tide over the difficulties has become ourtop priority.
I believe that closer cooperation is needed to meet the global crisis,and the level of cooperation hinges upon the level of mutual trust. TheChinese Government maintains that countries should: first and foremost,run their own affairs well and refrain from shifting troubles onto others;second, carry out cooperation with full sincerity and avoid pursuing one'sown interests at the expense of others; and third, address both thesymptoms and the root cause of the problem. A palliative approach will notwork. We should not treat only the head when the head aches, and the footwhen the foot hurts. As I reiterated at the World Economic Forum AnnualMeeting in Davos, necessary reform of the international monetary andfinancial systems should be carried out to establish a new internationalfinancial order that is fair, equitable, inclusive and well-managed. Weshould create an institutional environment conducive to global economicgrowth.
Let me talk briefly about how China has been responding to the crisis.
The fallout of the financial crisis on China's real economy is becomingmore evident. Since the third quarter of last year, our exports havedeclined sharply, economic growth has slowed down, and the pressure onemployment has been rising. In the face of the grim situation, we haveacted decisively. We have made timely adjustment to the direction of ourmacroeconomic policy, promptly introduced ten measures to expand domesticdemand, and formulated a series of related policies. Together, they makeup a systematic and comprehensive package plan aimed at promoting steadyand relatively fast economic growth. Its main contents are:
First, substantially increase government spending to boost domesticdemand. The Chinese Government has announced a two-year investment programthat will generate, through fiscal spending, a total investment of RMB 4trillion nationwide, equivalent to 16% of China's GDP in 2007. The moneywill mainly go into government-subsidized housing, projects related to thewell-being of rural residents, the construction of railway and otherinfrastructural projects, social development programs, environmentalprotection and post-earthquake recovery and reconstruction. The ChineseGovernment has introduced a massive tax-cut program, which will reduce thetax burdens on businesses and individuals by about RMB 500 billion eachyear. We have also cut interest rates by a large margin, increasedliquidity in the banking system and adopted a range of financial measures.
Second, implement a large-scale industrial restructuring andrejuvenation program. We are pushing forward industrial restructuring andupgrading across the board and formulating plans for the restructuring andrevitalization of ten key industries, including automobiles and iron andsteel. We will take economic and technological measures to boost energyconservation and reduce emissions, and promote merger and reorganizationof enterprises to raise the level of industry concentration and theefficiency of resource allocation. We encourage and support the extensive applicationof new technologies, techniques, equipment and materials and thedevelopment of marketable products by enterprises.
Third, make energetic efforts for progress and innovation in science andtechnology. Science and technology are of fundamental importance inovercoming the financial crisis. A major crisis is usually followed by arevolution in science and technology, and no economic recovery is possiblewithout technological innovation. We are stepping up the implementation ofthe National Program for Medium- and Long-Term Scientific andTechnological Development, with special emphasis on 16 major projectsincluding core electronic devices, development and use of nuclear energyand advanced numerically controlled machine tools. We will strive to makebreakthroughs in a host of core technologies and key generic technologiesto support sustainable economic growth at a higher level. We will promotethe development of high-tech industrial clusters and cultivate neweconomic growth areas. All in all, we will rely on major breakthroughs inscience and technology to foster new social demand and bring about a newround of economic boom.
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