Magicians popping up
发布时间:2009-08-03 17:53:00
Magicians popping up 中国现魔术热,传统魔术再发新芽
导读:自从年轻魔术师刘谦在春晚一炮而红,全国上下便兴起一股魔术热潮。眼下,2009北京世界魔术大会(World Championships of Magic)赛事正酣,面对世界各地风格迥异的魔术表演,中国传统魔术焕发新生…
Sweating under stage lights, magician Wang Xianbo takes six metal rings, bumps them together one by one and then links the rings into shapes: a flower, a rickshaw, an airplane. For at least 2,000 years Chinese entertainers like Wang have performed the well-known "linking rings" trick.
Baofeng, the self-proclaimed home of magic in China, is enjoying a boom as the whole country has gone magic-mad.
More than 2,000 performers from around the globe are attending the World Championships of Magic in Beijing this week. Besides the official competition, several big shows feature magic that ranges from huge, David Copperfield-esque illusions to the more intimate, close-up magic popularized by Lu Chen, the magician of the moment.
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