发布时间:2014-04-12 19:32:00
(On July 13,2001.)
2. Which country is the one with the greatest yield of coffee?
A. Brazil B.
3. People’s fear of the number 13 in the western countries may originate from the beliefs that _____.
A Judas was the thirteenth at Jesus’ Last Supper
B. the Crucifixion took place on the thirteenth
C. the thirteenth was the day of the Norse Goddess Freya
4. The two oldest universities in
A. Stanford B.
5. It is an English word. It means international computer network which consists of a large number of individual computers and computer systems connected by telecommunications circuits.
The first letter of the word is “i”. What is it?
6. When in
7. The longest river in the world is the ________.
A. Amazon B.
8. What are the colors of the five Olympic rings?
(Black, blue, green, red and yellow.)
9. The largest and best known desert on earth is the __________.
10. It is an English word. It means (sum of) money to be paid by people or businesses to a government for public purposes.
The first letter of the word is “t”. What is it?
11. Time and tide wait for no man. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
12. The largest and deepest of the world’s oceans is the ______.
13. _____, which is used often in English to represent the devil, is actually a Hebrew word meaning an enemy or an opponent.
A. Statue B. Satan C. Saint
14. It is an English word. It means membership of a particular nation.
The first letter of the word is “n”. What is it?
15. Two heads are better than one. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
16. Hard Times was written by __________.
A. Thackeray B. Scott C. Dickens
17. She is the first woman prime minister of the
A. smallest B. coldest C. warmest
19. How often are the Modern Olympic Games held?
(Once every four years.)
20. The Statue of
A. in the nation’s Capital,
B. on an island in
C. out in the ocean where all can see it
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