
发布时间:2014-04-12 19:32:00


21.   As you sow, so will you reap. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?


22.   Of Truth was an essay written by a British writer ________.

A. William Shakespeare    B. Francis Bacon    C. Geoffery Chaucer

23.   Putting the cart before the horse. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?


24.  It is an English word. It means conditions, circumstances, etc. affecting people’s lives.

The first letter of the word is “e”.  What is it?


25.   According to tradition, many ancient peoples believed that swans burst into clear song when they felt death nearing. European literary tradition borrowed this thought, and the last work of a performer or artists is called _____.

A. swan voice       B. swan sound           C. swan song

26.   It is an English word. It means official document showing that permission has been given to own, use or do sth.

The first letter of the word is “l”.  What is it?


27.   Murder will out. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?


28.   The original American flag contains 13 horizontal stripes and 13 white stars arranged ____ to symbolize unity and equality of those colonies.

A. in a circle    B. in rows   C. between the stripes

29.   God helps those who help themselves. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?


30.   It is an English word. It means official written or printed statement that may be used as proof or evidence of certain facts. The first letter of the word is “c”.  What is it?


31.   Who is the creator of the Modern Olympic Games?


32.   Thought is the seed of action. Could you tell us the Chinese meaning?


33.   It is an English word. It means place where important public issues can be discussed.

The first letter of the word is “f”.  What is it?


34.   The U.S. is known as a great “melting pot” because ___________.

A. the weather in most part of the land is hot

B. the land has several famous volcanoes

C. its people are of different nationalities from all over the world

35.   Though you cast out nature with a fork, it will still return. Could you tell us how to say in Chinese?


36.   It is certain that the expression Ok is native to the United States. The most believable and widely accepted expression is that the word may come from _____.

A. American Indians

B. Van Buren’s nickname

C. The name of Van Buren’s hometown

37.   It is an English word. It means government department.

The first letter of the word is “b”.  What is it?


38.   Men learn while they teach. Could you tell us how to say in Chinese?


39.   Emancipation Proclamation was issued by _________.

A. Abraham Lincoln           B. George Washington

C. Thomas Jefferson

40.   The tragedy is not in not knowing, but in not knowing that you don’t know. Could you tell us the Chinese meaning?


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