发布时间:2014-04-12 19:32:00
1. Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius” means _______________.
A. faster, higher, stronger B. higher, faster, stronger
C. stronger, faster, higher
2. Pride comes before a fall. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
3. It is an English word. It means meeting at which sb. (eg sb. applying for a job) is asked questions to find out if he is suitable.
The first letter of the word is“i”. What is it?
4. The expression an Achilles’ heel was coined from Greek legend. Today it is used to represent ______.
A. the action of something that goes against what a person prefers or feels
B. a person’s or a nation’s weak spot
C. a person’s powers available for working or other activities
5. A miss is as good as a mile. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
(失之毫厘, 差之千里。)
6. It is an English word. It means official document issued by the government of a particular country, identifying the holder as a citizen of that country and entitling him to travel abroad under its protection.
The first letter of the word is “p”. What is it?
7. Now we often talk about pollution. The four main kinds of pollution are water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and ________ pollution.
A. dust B. smoke C. light
8. Two is company, but three is none. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
9. Who created the Olympic Games?
(The ancient Greeks. )
10. It is an English word. It means stamp or mark put on a passport by officials of a foreign country to show that the holder may enter, pass through or leave their country.
The first letter of the word is “v”. What is it?
11. Enough is as good as a feast. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
12. The River Thames, flowing from ______ to _______, divides
A. east, west B. west, east C. north, south
13. Two can play the game. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
14. The idea this expression conveys — going from a dangerous situation to an even more dangerous one — dates back at least 2000 years. This expression is ______.
A. pour oil on troubled waters B. three sheets to the wind
C. out of the frying pan and into the fire
15. New broom sweeps clean. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
16. It is an English word. It means man-made device, eg a space station, put in orbit round a planet.
The first letter of the word is “s”. What is it?
17. There are four different countries in the
A. Wales B. Walsh C. Welsh
18. Give one an inch, and one will take a mile. Could you tell us the equivalent Chinese proverb?
19. When were the Olympic Games held?
(In 776 BC)
20. It is an English word. It means person who speaks, or is chosen to speak, on behalf of a group.
The first letter of the word is “s”. What is it?
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