
发布时间:2010-05-26 11:39:00

内容提要:用发展的眼光看中国I hope more of you will turn your eyes to China, see my country in thelight of her development, and act as ambassadors of China-Britainfriendship. I believe that as long as you, the young people of China andBritain learn from each other and strive for progress hand in hand, youwill add a brilliant new chapter to the annals of our relations.

  The key element of China's reform and opening-up is to free people'smind and the most fundamental and significant component is institutionalinnovation. Through economic reform, we have built a socialist marketeconomy, where the market plays a primary role in allocating resourcesunder government macro-regulation. We have carried out political reform,promoted democracy and improved the legal system. People are the mastersof the country. We run the country according to law and endeavor to builda socialist country under the rule of law.


  The essence of China's reform and opening-up is to put people first andmeet their ever growing material and cultural needs through releasing anddeveloping productive forces. It aims to give everyone equal opportunitiesfor all-round development. It aims to protect the democratic rights of thepeople and promote stability, harmony and prosperity across the land. Andit aims to safeguard the dignity and freedom of everyone so that he or shemay pursue happiness with ingenuity and hard work.


  Over the past three decades, more than 200 million Chinese have beenlifted out of poverty, the average life expectancy has increased by 5years, and the 83 million people with disabilities in China have receivedspecial care from the government and the society. All this points to thetremendous efforts China has made to protect human rights. We haveintroduced free nine-year compulsory education throughout the country,established the cooperative medical system in the rural areas and improvedthe social safety net. The age-old dream of the Chinese nation is beingturned into reality a dream to see the young educated, the sick treatedand the old cared for.


  I want to quote from a Tang Dynasty poem to describe what is happeningin China, "From shore to shore it is wide at high tide, and before fairwind a sail is lifting." The Chinese people are working hard to modernizetheir country. This is a great practice in a large developing country bothancient and new. The Chinese people, with destiny in their own hands, arefull of confidence in their future.


  My beloved motherland is a country that stood numerous vicissitudes butnever gave up.


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