
发布时间:2009-05-18 18:10:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

    只要考生经过“是否矛盾? (误否) ——是否有依据? (虚否?) ——是否以偏概全 (偏否?)”的逐级思考过程来分析和甄别每一个选项,那么解题的正确率就会得以提高。正确的答案应该是与原文意义一致的选项,或是经过“三级思考”仍不能排除的选项。请看2006年广东卷第64题:

Which of the following is true about the working class?
A. They are often employed as skilled and semi-skilled workers.
B. They are often offered jobs with high incomes.
C. They are often considered lazy and dishonest.
D. They are often exploited by the public.

    此题为事实细节题,可以采用排除法。由文章第一段第一、二句 “Members of the working class have blue-collar jobs. They are construction workers, truck drivers, mechanics, steel workers, electricians, and the like.” 可知,蓝领阶层的薪水不高这个事实,据此先排除B项;由第一段最后一句“They consider themselves to be respectable and hard working and they look down upon members of the ‘lower’ class, whom they often consider to be lazy, dishonest, and too ready to exploit public assistance.”可知,蓝领阶层是受人尊敬的、勤劳的群体,他们看不起那些懒惰、欺诈别人、依靠别人捐款生活的阶层,故排除C、D两项,正确答案为A项。

    2. 定位法与跳读法

…When she was still in her early 30s, publishing essays in such important magazines as Partisan Review, she appeared as the symbol of American cultural life, trying hard to follow every new development in literature, film and art. With great effort and serious judgment, Sontag walked at the latest edges of world culture.
The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 means Sontag _____________.
A. was a symbol of American cultural life
B. developed world literature,film and art
C. published many essays about world culture
D. kept pace with the newest development of world culture

    解答本题可以用定位法。与题干意思相近的句子是上一句“she appeared as the symbol of American cultural life,trying hard to follow every new development in literature, film and art”。许多考生误选了A项,他们忽略了原文中出现的“appeared as”,意为“似乎,好像”,增加了句意的不确定性。故D项为最佳答案。

    3. 画图与列表法


How is the text organized?
A. In order of time. B. In order of frequency.
C. In order of preference. D. In order of importance.

    在解答此题时考生只要列一个表 (见下表),按短文叙事的顺序展开故事发展的过程,正确答案就会一目了然。

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4
look into the mirror have breakfast prepare children’s trip to space drive the car to work


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