reading ability is something acquired rather than 

发布时间:2010-08-26 12:55:00


1.The problem with the reading course as mentioned in the first paragraph is that ______. is one of the most difficult school courses

B.students spend endless hours in reading

C.reading tasks are assigned with little guidance

D.too much time is spent in teaching about reading

2.The teaching of reading will be successful if ______.

A.teachers can improve conditions at school for the students

B.teachers can enable students to develop their own way of reading

C.teachers can devise the most efficient system for reading

D.teachers can make their teaching activities observable

3.The word “scrutiny” (sentence 2,para.3) most probably means “______”。

A.inquiry   B.observation   C.control      D.suspicion

4.According to the passage,learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when ______.

A.children become highly motivated

B.teacher and learner roles are interchangeable

C.teaching helps children in the search for knowledge

D.reading enriches children's experience

5.The main idea of the passage is that ______.

A.teachers should do as little as possible in helping students learn to read

B.teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possible

C.reading ability is something acquired rather than taught

D.reading is more complicated than generally believed

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