Say Goodbye to Super Girl
发布时间:2011-09-21 16:29:00
"These regulations could probably influence the shows in the short term but cannot stop them from developing, because more and more people want to escape from serious issues on TV," Jin said.
Hunan Satellite Television (HST) said it will not hold popular talent shows next year after the authorities said the channel violated a broadcasting time limit for Super Girl, one of the country`s most popular TV talent shows.
Since some of this year`s programs exceeded the maximum duration allowed by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television (SARFT), "we received notification from the administration that we cannot make selective TV trials with mass involvement of individuals in the year 2012", Li Hao, deputy editor-in-chief and spokesman of the channel, confirmed to China Daily on Sunday.
"Hunan Satellite Television will obey the State regulator`s decision and will not hold similar talent shows next year. Instead, the channel will air programs that promote moral ethics and public safety and provide practical information for housework," Li said.
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