
发布时间:2015-03-02 09:21:00


调查:文盲比博士幸福 女博士比男博士幸福
  新京报讯 (记者苏曼丽)中国家庭金融调查与研究中心昨天发布的一份报告显示,居民教育水平的提高并未创造出更高的幸福感,博士的幸福感甚至不如文盲。


  在工作和收入方面,报告发现,每小时工资为20-30元时幸福指数达到峰值,超过30元后幸福指数便开始回落。有趣的是,小时收入30元以上的 “土豪”人群与小时收入在7-12元之间的“屌丝”人群幸福指数相当。同时,从每天的工作时间来看,工作时间越长越不幸福,每天工作8小时之内的人群幸福 指数在134左右,而超过11小时的人群幸福指数则降至126.8。因此,通过加班熬夜换来的血汗钱并不能增加幸福感,这或许是习大大劝诫“年轻人不要熬 夜”的原因。


A report released by China Household Finance Survey last Thursday shows that the improvement in educational level has not created a greater sense of happiness, and that PhDs feel even less happy than the least well-educated.


Overall, a higher level of education means less happiness. Primary school graduates are the happiest people, with a happiness index of 133.3, and people with a doctoral certificate enjoy the lowest happiness index, only 121.0, even lower than the 130.2 index of the least-well-educated.


From a gender perspective, statistics show that male PhDs are less happy than females.


In terms of jobs and income, the report found that people who earn 20 to 30 yuan per hour are the happiest. The happiness index decreases as the number passes 30 yuan.


Interestingly, people who have an hourly income of more than 30 yuan have the same happiness index as those who earn 7 to 12 yuan per hour. Meanwhile, the longer the daily working hours, the unhappier people will be. People who work fewer than eight hours a day have a happiness index of about 134, and the number drops to 126.8 for those who work more than 11 hours.

Geographically, people in Shandong Province have the highest happiness index, with a score of 147.5, while the number in Guizhou Province is the lowest, only 118.6. The happiness index in first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai is 135.0, tied for seventh around the country.


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