

发布时间:2012-11-14 08:44:00


      Oh, the power of a good night’s sleep. A whole gamut of positive benefits can be seen from getting enough rest, but for many of us, hitting the sack can be challenging. There’s plenty of advice out there about what to do to get to sleep but what about what not to do? Click through for some of the pre-bedtime activities that could be hurting your chance at getting a good night’s sleep。啊,伟大的睡眠!良好的睡眠能带来极大的好处,但对我们有些人来说,睡觉也不是件容易事。关于“做这几件事能让你睡得好”的建议铺天盖地,但有人讲过“睡觉前不要做以下几件事”吗?看这里吧。我们来告诉你睡觉前绝对不能做的几件事。

  1. Exercise 锻炼

  No, you don’t get to ditch your yoga mat or running shoes all together. Exercise is a vital activity for your health, and can actually contribute to getting better-quality sleep. The problem, though, is that exercising within three hours of bedtime can raise your body temperature, and make dozing off more difficult. Breaking a sweat, then, is best left for earlier in the day!先别急着把瑜伽垫或跑鞋丢了。锻炼对于健康来将很重要,同时也能帮你获得优质的睡眠。但问题在于,睡前3小时的锻炼能提高你的体温,并让你更加清醒。因此,锻炼这事儿最好放在更早些时候进行。

  2. Watch TV/Surf the Web 看电视或上网

  Studies have shown that pre-slumber screen time can impede your body’s ability to fall asleep. The likely culprit? Well, the bright lights of these screens can hinder the development of melatonin, the hormone that promotes sleep. So close that laptop and turn off that TV about an hour before bed。研究表明,睡前盯着屏幕能扰乱身体入睡的过程。罪魁祸首是谁?是这些屏幕发出的亮光。它们能阻断褪黑素的形成,而褪黑素是帮你入睡的激素。所以,睡前一小时最好关掉电脑和电视。

  3. Take a Hot Shower/Bath 洗热水澡/泡热水澡

  Like exercise, hot showers and baths can actually help you fall asleep. The problem, however, comes out of taking one too close to the time you plan on hitting the sack. Being overheated can bring same affects just like late exercises. 跟锻炼一样,热水澡能帮你入眠。但是,如果刚洗澡就睡觉,同样会导致睡不好。体温过高带来的影响跟前文提到的锻炼太晚一样。

  4. Drink Too Many Fluids 喝太多东西

  Caffeine, of course, and alcohol both make it difficult to get a good night’s rest. But drinking a lot of any liquid within the last hour or two before you go to bed will lead to those dreaded late night bathroom breaks, and further disrupt your slumber. You shouldn’t go to bed thirsty, however, as you’ll likely wake up in the middle of the night to get a drink of water. Balance is key here。很显然,咖啡因和酒精饮料都能影响睡眠。但无论是什么,只要在睡前1-2小时喝的太多,都会让你频繁起夜而痛苦不堪,继而影响到睡眠。渴着入睡同样不推崇,因为半夜被渴醒也很不好受啊!平衡这两者是关键。

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