

发布时间:2012-08-18 12:13:00


 6. Buy audio books.
  If you prefer to do your “reading” by listening, this option will work well for you.
  7. Read one book at a time.
  It’s tempting to read multiple books at once, but when you focus on finishing one book at a time, you’ll get more out of each book that you read.
  8. Read while sitting on the “throne.”
  It’s not recommended that you spend too much time sitting on the toilet, but since you’re going to be there for five minutes or so, why not do some reading? Five minutes of extra reading a day does add up.
  9. Keep a list of books that you’ve read.
  It’s exciting to see the list growing as time goes by, which will further encourage you to read more.
  10. Keep a list of books that you want to read.
  This list represents all the knowledge that you’d like to gain in the future. Referring to this list and updating it regularly will help you stay motivated to keep reading!
  这张清单代表着以后你想获得的知识。 看看这张清单并经常更新它,会帮助你保持继续看书的动力。
  In closing…
  Reading a book is like undergoing a chemical reaction. You’ll never be exactly the same when you finish a book, because every book has the power to teach you, encourage you and shape you.
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