

发布时间:2011-02-11 22:02:00



推理题常采用infer, imply, suggest, conclude, intend, refer to, setae, discuss, deal with等表示判断的词汇。具体说来,可以细分为:


(1)The author of this passage is most probably ______.


(1)        The next paragraph would most probably deal with ______.

(2)        The passage is most likely a part of ________.

(3)        The passage is probably taken from a book about ______.

(4)        This passage can best be described as________.

(5)        What does the paragraph following the passage most likely discuss?

(6)        Where would this passage most probably appear?

(7)        Where would this passage most probably be taken from?


(1)  How does the author seem to feel about ______.

(2)  The author apparently suggests that ______.

(3)  The author gives the impression that he is ______.

(4)  The author probably feels that ______.

(5)  The author’s attitude towards ……might be best summarized as one of ________.

(6)  The author’s attitude towards……is best summarized as ______.

(7)  The passage shows that the author is ______.

(8)  The tone of this passage is best described as ______.

(9)  What the author tries to suggest may be interpreted as  ______.

(10)          Which of the following statements best described the author’s attitude towards ______?


(1)    According to the passage we can assume that______.

(2)    From the passage we can infer that______.

(3)    Implied but not stated______.

(4)    It can be inferred from……that______.

(5)    The author implies in the passage that______.

(6)    The ……example implied that ________.

(7)    The passage implied that ______.

(8)    The passage is intended to tell us that ______.

(9)    The passage would most likely state that ______.

(10)The purpose of the passage is ______.

(11)The writer implies that______.

(12)The……of the passage means ______

(13)What are the author’s primary purposes fro writing this passage?


(1)    According to ……what may chiefly be______.

(2)    According to the passage which of the following is true(false)?

(3)    According to……we can see______.

(4)    From the……we can safely make the following judgment ______.

(5)    From this passage, a sound judgment can be made that______.

(6)    From……we learn that ______.

(7)    It seems that______.

(8)    The case of……demonstrated that______.

(9)    What does the example of ……illustrate?

(10)Which of the following can NOT be inferred from the passage?


(1)    From the passage we can draw the conclusion that ________.

(2)    It can be concluded that______.

(3)    The reader may conclude from the passage that______.

(4)    We may safely come to the conclusion that______.

(5)    What does the author conclude about ______?

(6)    What conclusion can be drawn from the passage?

(7)    Which of the following best summarizes the passage?

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