

发布时间:2010-10-28 20:45:00



  入睡一定要谨记4个R:Regularity(规律),Routine(习惯),a Restful bedroom(安静的卧室)和the Right bed(舒服的床)。

  Step 4: Regularity Regularity of bedtimes and getting up times helps ensure good sleep. If possible, try and go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Keep your bedroom dark while you are sleeping so that the light will not interfere with your rest. As soon as it's time to wake up, open the curtains or turn a light on. Light helps your body know it's time to wake up. Planned daytime naps are fine, but naps caused by sleepiness will ruin your night-time sleep. Try to stay awake all day if you can. Regular exercise is important too -it helps regulate your body clock.

  4. 规律


  Step 5: Routine Having a bedtime routine - like having a bath before bed - will help your brain wind down and prepare you for sleep. Reading a book or listening to the same piece of calming music every night may help too. Anxiety excites the nervous system, making you more alert. Write down your worries and possible solutions before you go to bed, then stop thinking about them!

  5. 习惯


  Step 6: Restful bedroom Your bedroom should be a place for sleeping only. It is not a good idea to use your bed for doing work, making phone calls etc. Help your body recognize that this is a place for rest by getting rid of anything work-related before you go to bed.

  6.安静的卧室 卧室应该只是用来睡觉的地方。在床上工作、打电话等都是不可取的。在上床前不要做与工作相关的事情,让你的身体意识到,这就是休息的地方。

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