

发布时间:2010-10-28 20:45:00



  Step 1: Food and drink Avoid coffee, tea, cocoa and cola drinks late in the evening as they all contain caffeine, which may keep you awake. Remember, your nightcap has a price. Malted food drinks - like Ovaltine - are much better. Bedtime snacks can help too. But don't stuff yourself,beacause your body will have to stay awake half the night digesting your meal, so you won't feel rested in the morning. Milk, turkey and peanuts all contain chemicals that help the brain relax. Why not have a turkey and peanut butter sandwich?

  1. 关于饮食


  Step 2: Sleeping position Another thing that affects the quality of your sleep is the position you sleep in. We all have our preferences, but for a perfect night's sleep you should try to keep your body in a 'midline' position, where both your head and neck are kept roughly straight. All you need is a properly supportive and comfortable bed and some strategically placed pillows. If you sleep on your side, place a pillow between your knees, this will help support your hips. If you sleep on your back: Place pillows under your knees to take the load off the lower back. Make sure there are enough pillows to support the neck and head in the midline position, thereby preventing the head and neck tilting forward or back. Sleeping on your front isn't recommended. Head and neck are twisted in this position, which is bound to give you aches and pains.

  2. 睡姿


  Step 3: The 4 Rs Getting to sleep is all about the 4 Rs - Regularity, Routine, a Restful bedroom and the Right bed.

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