Aiming for a Deal on Climate Change
发布时间:2009-12-21 12:43:00
In Copenhagen, Denmark, the United Nations Climate Change Conference opened this week. Around fifteen thousand delegates and observers from nearly two hundred countries are there. Some call it "the last best chance" for an agreement to fight climate change.
本周,联合国气候变化大会在丹麦的哥本哈根召开。来自接近 200 个国家约有 15000 名代表和观察员齐聚哥本哈根。有人称之为达成应对气候变化协议的最后的最可能的机会。
Yvo de Boer is the top climate official at the United Nations.
Yvo de Boer 是联合国的气候变化高级官
YVO DE BOER: "The time for formal statements is over. The time for restating well known positions is past. The time has come to reach out to each other. I urge you to build on your achievements, take up the work that has already been done and turn it into real action."
Yvo de Boer :做一个正式声明的时代已经终结了;重申人所共知的立场已经过去了;触及所有人的时代已经来了。我敦促你们在现有的成就上继续努力,继续已经做的工作并真正的行动起来。
But there are questions about how much can be done, and how an agreement would be put into action.
The twelve-day conference ends next Friday. Late next week, leaders from more than one hundred countries are expected at the talks, including President Obama.
为期 12 天的会议于下周五结束。大下周, 100 多个国家的领导人,其中有奥巴马总统,将会参加会议。
Delegates hope to set new targets to reduce greenhouse gases -- the pollution blamed for trapping extra heat in the atmosphere. An existing agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, ends in two thousand twelve. Many countries have offered new proposals for cuts, including the United States and China.
代表都希望设定一个新的目标以减少温室气体,就是在因为在大气中吸收额外热量而成为污染的气体。现存的协议是东京条约,它在 2012 年到期。包括美国和中国在内的许多国家已就减排提出方案。
本周,联合国气候变化大会在丹麦的哥本哈根召开。来自接近 200 个国家约有 15000 名代表和观察员齐聚哥本哈根。有人称之为达成应对气候变化协议的最后的最可能的机会。
Yvo de Boer is the top climate official at the United Nations.
Yvo de Boer 是联合国的气候变化高级官
YVO DE BOER: "The time for formal statements is over. The time for restating well known positions is past. The time has come to reach out to each other. I urge you to build on your achievements, take up the work that has already been done and turn it into real action."
Yvo de Boer :做一个正式声明的时代已经终结了;重申人所共知的立场已经过去了;触及所有人的时代已经来了。我敦促你们在现有的成就上继续努力,继续已经做的工作并真正的行动起来。
But there are questions about how much can be done, and how an agreement would be put into action.
The twelve-day conference ends next Friday. Late next week, leaders from more than one hundred countries are expected at the talks, including President Obama.
为期 12 天的会议于下周五结束。大下周, 100 多个国家的领导人,其中有奥巴马总统,将会参加会议。
Delegates hope to set new targets to reduce greenhouse gases -- the pollution blamed for trapping extra heat in the atmosphere. An existing agreement, the Kyoto Protocol, ends in two thousand twelve. Many countries have offered new proposals for cuts, including the United States and China.
代表都希望设定一个新的目标以减少温室气体,就是在因为在大气中吸收额外热量而成为污染的气体。现存的协议是东京条约,它在 2012 年到期。包括美国和中国在内的许多国家已就减排提出方案。
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