
发布时间:2017-08-18 08:22:00

内容提要:近日在Judge cuts评审淘汰赛中,谭芷昀更凭借一首《How Am I Supposed to Live Without You》获得评委激赞“天赋过人”,并由客席裁判Laverne Cox按下唯一黄金按钮,将她直接送入总决赛。

Nine-year-old Chinese girl earns Golden Buzzer on “America’s Got Talent” show

When 9-year-old Chinese girl Celine Tam first auditioned for America's Got Talent earlier this season she blew the audience away with a powerful rendition of Celine Dion’s “My Heart Will Go On,” the theme song of the movie Titanic, moving on to the next round.


Wearing a bright yellow dress, Tam put on another amazing performance during the Judge Cut round. She delivered a stunning performance of Michael Bolton’s “How Am I Supposed to Live Without You,” earning a standing ovation from the audience and the panelists. Guest Judge Laverne Cox gave Tam the Golden Buzzer for her flawless performance, sending the young singer straight to the live shows. Tam is the first Chinese contestant to win the Golden Buzzer.

“You’re so adorable and so cute, and your voice is amazing, you’re so talented,” said Laverne Cox.


Tam was surprised when she won the prize. Her parents and sister Dion, who were in the audience, were also very excited, with her mother shedding tears. Tam was named Celine and her little sister Dion, as their parents are great Celine Dion fans. The little girl said the song “How Am I Supposed to Live Without You” was dedicated to her little sister Dion, as “they are sisters and best friends.”


America’s Got Talent uploaded the performance to social media. The video clip was viewed 4.5 million times in 24 hours and more than 5,000 people left comments, praising her beautiful voice.


Tam recorded a short video in Chinese to express her appreciation to netizens, saying she was happy to get the Golden Buzzer and will sing more beautiful songs during the live shows.


The little girl is no stranger to television. She won many fans after singing “You Raise Me Up” on Hunan Broadcasting’s Let’s Sing Kids in China in 2014.


此前9岁的“巨肺萝莉”Celine谭芷昀凭翻唱席琳-迪翁的《My Heart Will Go On》顺利晋级达人秀,成为美国达人秀晋级史上年纪最小中国选手。近日在Judge cuts评审淘汰赛中,谭芷昀更凭借一首《How Am I Supposed to Live Without You》获得评委激赞“天赋过人”,并由客席裁判Laverne Cox按下唯一黄金按钮,将她直接送入总决赛。

在最新播出的一集《美国达人秀》评审淘汰赛中,Celine谭芷昀身穿明黄色连衣裙出场,大胆改编演绎了一首80年代美国知名歌手Michael Bolton的经典情歌。在超强实力与细腻演绎的过程中,四位评委频频点头表示嘉许,后台竞赛选手也不禁赞叹:“她的嗓音简直不可思议”。

一曲唱完,客席评判Laverne Cox眼泛泪光,直言表示:“我好想带你回家!你的声音仿佛天赐,又有才华又可爱,我真的很佩服你小小年纪可以做到这样!我真是忍不住了……”话未说完便按下每个评判一季只能按一次的“黄金按钮”。此举不止将谭芷昀直送总决赛,更让她成为史上第一个获得“黄金按钮”保送殊荣的中国选手。


这一幕电视播出后,《美国达人秀》官方迅速上传比赛视频至官方Facebook及YouTube,短短24小时内点击率已高达450万。不止《How Am I Supposed to Live Without You》的原唱米高-宝顿点赞大赏称其“唱的太好”,超过十五个国家的5千多位观众也纷纷留言,称赞谭芷昀“声音超好听”“看了三遍还是会被感动到流泪”“小小年纪,台风就很正”“没想到中国小朋友这么厉害”!喜讯同时段在国内也引起了广泛反响。不少网友表示:“9岁小姑娘能够唱到这个程度,真的是非常厉害了!”“从《中国新声代》就开始追她了,真是没看错人啊”“有史以来第一个拿到黄金按钮的中国选手!太争气了谭芷昀!”

面对国内外网友的热情支持,谭芷昀日前特意用中文,录制了一则短片表达了自己对大家的感谢:“我好开心,这次能够获得这个Golden Buzzer(黄金按钮)。下一个表演的live show,我一定会唱更多更好听的歌给你们。谢谢!”


9岁华裔小女孩谭芷昀来参加《美国达人秀》第十二季了,她带来了Celine Dion经典作《我心永恒》“My Heart Will Go On”。唱完后全场起立鼓掌,铁肺小公主666......据悉她也是“美国达人秀”开播以来,最年轻的华人参赛者。



《You rise me up》,是《中国新声代》第三季毕业盛典上的一首经典歌曲,由华裔加拿大籍的李成宇和香港小歌手谭芷昀共同演唱,声音干净空灵,不仅征服全场观众,也征服了音乐老师张杰。

李成宇 谭芷昀 参加美国NBC节目《Little Big Shot》



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