发布时间:2015-04-22 11:35:00
角度五:医生和病人(Doctor and patient)
示例①:If I had such a chance to switch lives with someone, I would choose to be a doctor, for it is an honorable job in my eyes. From ancient times to contemporary society, wherever there are human beings, there are doctors. They are called "Angels in White". (从“医生”这一职业形象谈起)
示例②:When I was very young, my grandma was often ill. She went to see the doctor frequently. But it could not help her to get well. I watched her suffer a lot but there was nothing I could do. So it was then that I had made up my mind to be a doctor. Now I’m 17 years old. Although my grandma has already passed away, I have never forgot my dream. My idol is Bethune. I want to be a person just like him! (从自身的经历和理想谈起)
示例①:If I were a doctor for a week, I would beautify the environment of the hospital with beautiful flowers, green lawns and a large water pond full of fish. I would make hospital a better place where patients could breathe in fresh air, listen to birds singing, and feel the vibrancy of life. I believe that the more happier mood they are in, the healthier they would become. (充满着浪漫主义色彩)
示例②:If I were a doctor for a week, I would devote myself to improving the care work for patients. I would warm their hearts with friendly eyes, sweet smiles, considerate minds and attentive service. I would treat them in the way just like treating my loved ones, which would give them courage to overcome illness. (典型的现实主义者)
示例③:If I were a doctor for a week, I would want to serve in the middle of war or the front of disaster relief. I would be able to work with brave men and women who become heroes at a moment's notice, diving into harm's way to save others, flying across the country to put out a fire and driving for hours to bail out a flooded town. I would not fear the dangerous tasks that lie ahead and making sacrifice, but I would approach the value of my life by fighting hard. (霸气的英雄主义气概)
示例①:By working as a doctor, I would see the very best of our Chinese spirits. I would learn to serve instead of being served, learn to give rather than take, learn to look after not only myself but other people. (弘扬中华正能量)
示例②:From the experience, I would know that it was not easy to become a medical worker. Thus, we should bring more communications and understandings with each other whenever there is conflict between physicians and patients. We must not be impulsive and act violently. Only in this way can we reduce the tension in doctor-patient relationships. (缓解医患关系紧张)
角度六:新闻工作记者(News reporter)
高中英语课本Book 5 Unit 4 Making the news中提到了成为一名记者(journalist)所需要具备的素质,诸如:curious, sensitive, well-organized, thorough, patient, careful, concise, polite……以及相关职业的工作要求,像摄影师(photographer):technically good,
在我们的教材中Book 7 Unit 1 Living well - Using language - Reading, speaking and writing (P8)的课文An Letter to An Architect 讲述的是电影院的设计如何满足残疾人的特殊性需求。那么,你在作文中就可以设想自己与一位建筑师互换身份后,在你的城市建筑的设计与公共设施的建立中,充分考虑残疾人的需求,以确保每一位残疾人享受到社会优质服务,这体现的是对残疾人的关爱,也是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项重要而紧迫的任务。这样的文章写出来,立意岂不高远?!这样写,你又想到了么?
Just sitting in the wheelchair was a learning experience. I had never considered before how awkward it would be to use one. As soon as I sat down, my weight made the chair begin to roll. Its wheels were not locked. Then I wondered where to put my feet. It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into place. I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of transportation for several hours. For disabled people, “adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary experiment.
角度八:残疾人(The disabled)
①同情与关爱(Sympathy and caring)。通过身份互换,我们能够切身体会到残疾人的难处,他们是社会中的弱势群体,更需要我们的同情与关爱。我们不仅要为残疾人的身体状况着想,更要考虑到他们的心理健康。
②尊重与敬佩(Respect and admiration)。联系到残奥会上的运动健儿们,还有没手没脚的牛人力克·胡哲在全世界发表励志演讲,他们不畏困难、积极乐观的心态值得我们敬佩和学习,他们身残志坚、永不放弃的精神值得我们赞扬!残疾人也可以实现他们的人生价值。
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