
发布时间:2012-08-28 15:04:00






对于在阅读上有困难的同学,一定要在阅读完后再把文章反复地看几遍。目的有几个:1.把在做题时由于时间限制而无法理解的句子分析分析,弄清句子结构。锻炼自己分析句子的能力。2. 努力扩大自己的词汇知识,尤其是老词新意或是老词新词性。如例3中的majorslandgraduates. 这些例子在我们的练习中几乎是俯拾皆是,千万不可视而不见。3. 注意文章中对英语国家的文化或社会习俗的介绍。这也是我们很多同学比较弱的一面。而又恰恰是这几年来高考英语试卷中越来越关注的方面,也是我们同学有时在分析了句子后还无法理解句子意思的原因。


1It is all exciting idea to send two robots driving over very different places of Mars at the same time, to be able to see what is on the other side of the hill.2004年全国卷)

2 The woman at the desk gave him a bright smile as he entered and, after Peter had explained what sort of room he was looking for, he paid two pounds for a list of about half a dozen landladies who had rooms to let. 2004年全国卷)

3 Decision-thinking is not unlike poker it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think. 2000年全国卷)

4 In particular, he showed that all games fall into two classes there are what he called games of "perfect information", games like chess where the players cant hide anything or play tricks; they dont win by chance, but by means of logic and skills. 2000年全国卷)

5 For the most part, Rubin says, interactions (交往) between men are emotionally controlleda good fit with the social requirements of manly behavior. 2001年全国卷)


Clothes were flying in all directions as people searched for the sizes, colours and styles they wanted. Quarrels broke out. Mothers were using their small children to crawl (爬行) through peoples legs and get hold of things they couldnt get near themselves.

Within minutes I had half a dozen people pushing clothes under my nose, each wanting to be the first served. Where had the famous English Queue gone? The whole day continued like that, but I kept my temper (脾气)! I was taking money hand over fist and began to realize why, twice a year, Grahams were happy to turn their expensive store into a battlefield like this. 2002年全国春季卷)

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