发布时间:2012-05-22 09:23:00
"No, thank you, "I said. "But I have to tell you something. I read the letter in the hope of finding out who owned the wallet. "The smile on his face suddenly disappeared. "You read that letter?""Not only did I read it, I think I know where Hannah is. "
He suddenly grew pale. "Hannah?You know where she is?How is she?Is she still as pretty as she was?Please, please tell me, " he begged. "She's fine...just as pretty as when you knew her, " I said softly.
The old man smiled with anticipation and asked, "Could you tell me where she is?I want to call her tomorrow. "He grabbed my hand and said, "You know something, mister?I was so in love with that girl that when that letter came, my life literally ended. I never married. I guess I've always loved her. "
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