发布时间:2010-11-29 12:53:00
…to pursue things that are right for them as opposed to blindly following what society says they should do. The road less traveled usually brings the greatest rewards.
…that nobody will care as much about their money as they will, so they should choose their investments and financial advisers wisely.
…that people usually do the best they can with the information and knowledge they have at the time.
…that if something looks too good to be true it likely is.
…that the more they become attached to a thought or idea in the future, the greater their disappointment (suffering) will be when it doesn’t play out as planned.
…that friends may come and go but family will always be by their side. Always.
…that they will get more than they ever could have imagined simply by being kind and generous to those less fortunate.
…that life is short and that they should make the most of each and everyday. They should do things that make them smile, that make them feel alive and energized. Live.
…to remember that life is more about enjoying the journey than simply reaching the destination.
There are so many things I want to teach my kids and this list grows with each passing day. I want the best for my kids, as any parent does. I occasionally need to remind myself that they are their own little people on their own journeys in life.
How I see my role as a parent — I’m here to guide them, teach them and make sure they are well equipped with the skills, knowledge and common sense to survive and thrive on their own once they leave home. Time will tell if I’ve done my job well.
What do you plan on teaching your kids? What is the best life lesson you’ve been taught?
你准备怎么教你的孩子? 你学到的最好的人生功课是什么?
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