

发布时间:2009-11-07 11:10:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

  I struggled to hold back my tears.That was when Mike breezed in with the new report.“Here we go,Dan”he said plopping it on his desk.“Guaranteed accurate down to the decimal.To me that was worth taking an extra day.”Dan flipped through the pages.“Why didn't you work on Saturday to finish this!”“It seemed like a huge waste when we could just use the computer and get is right”Mike said“so we waited until Monday.I had to follow my own judgment.”Dan stared at the top page for a long while,then nodded.At that moment the tension went out of the room like air going out of a balloon.We spent the rest of the morning helping Dan prepare for the meeting.He even cracked a smile.


  That afternoon he called us into his office and said“The executive committee felt our presentation was the most thorough.”We all congratulated each other as if there had never been a problem.Later,finally on my way to talk to Dan about my pregnancy,I stopped by Mike's cubicle.There he was,working as had as ever,surrounded by the photos of his boys,his T-ball team,his family on Easter Sunday.They weren't a distraction.They were his inspiration.That's why he didn't make time wasting decisions or worry about his status and office politics.He had his priorities right:faith,family,then work.And because of that he was good at all three.


  “Thanks,Mike,for everything you did.”“It was just a report”he said.“No,it was more than that”I said.I'd gotten my priorities straight.Now I was ready to tell my boss the good news.



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