
Gernery stunned by shooting spree

发布时间:2009-02-16 00:00:00

内容提要:Gernery stunned by shooting spree枪击案震惊德国

Eight girls and one boy were killed, along with three teachers. Seven other children suffered minor injuries. Terrified pupils leapt from the school windows to escape. A child at the school called the emergency services from a mobile phone, which police said helped them respond quickly and prevent the incident from getting any worse. Eileen Toraman, a pupil at the school, said she had lost a friend in the tragedy. "I think his leg was broken and he was unable to run away," she said. "Another friend of mine broke her leg because she jumped from the third floor. "I don't understand why this happened. I have no idea what is supposed to happen now." Despite the presence of dozens of police officers, the gunman escaped from the school, killing a passer-by as he fled. 'Appalling crime' He then hijacked a car, taking its driver hostage, and reached the town of Wendlingen, about 40km (25 miles) away from the school. The police believe he arrived in Wendlingen by chance, after the car's driver lost control on a sharp bend and came to a standstill. The teenager fled into an industrial estate, where he shot and killed two men at a car showroom.
2006: A former pupil injures 11 students at a school in western town of Emsdetten before turning the gun on himself.
2002: A former pupil kills 17 people in his school in the eastern city of Erfurt, then kills himself.

Timeline of school shootings

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