

发布时间:2009-09-06 22:20:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

193.The film Titanic will be shown once again..
194.The picture was drawn by a boy under 8.
195.The lecture will be made by Jone, who is a young artist from the states.
195.The book were put into the box by the monitor.
196.My watch was lost when I was on the bus.
197.It is difficult for me to catch up with her.
198.He began to eat and drink.
199.Do you have anything to say?
200.She has enough money to buy a car.
201.He is old enough to go to school.
202.She asked me to open the window.
203.Her mother made him stay at home yesterday.
204.I don’t know  what to do.
205.He asked me how to get to the hotel.
206.Reading is a great way to learn a language.
207.I finished reading the novel.
208.He enjoy working in China.
209.During my stay there,I visited some places of historical interest.
210.I haven’t seen you for a long time.
211.He had a good time over the weekend.
212.I’ll be back within an hour.
213.The child went camping from July to August.
214.I’ll be free before ten o’clock tomorrow.
215.He always watches TV after dinner.
216.He has lived in New York since 1985.
217.I’ll call on you between two and four this afternoon.
218.By the time of last week, we had finished all the lessons for this term.
219.There is a bottle of wine on the table.
220.The picture is above the map.
221.The department store is just across the street.
222.I shouted after him, but he didn’t hear at all.
223.The animal usually hide among the trees during the daytime.
224.We were sitting behind you at the cinema last night.
225.The children are playing in front of their house.
226.The shop is closed during spring holidays.
227.We will go on a trip in August.
228.Her grandpa will leave in three days.
229.Her grandpa left after three days.
230.They walked across the bridge.
231.He walk through the forest.
232.There is a small river in front the house.
233.Six students stand in a line in the front of the classroom.
234.There is a big black bird above the tree
235.A few children are playing games below my window.
236.There is a bridge over the river.
237.Some men are playing cards under the tree.
238.Get up early, and you will catch the early bus.
239.Go straight to the end of the road and you will see the post office.
240.Not only the students but also their teacher likes playing soccer.
241.Neither he nor I know French.
242.He is very poor, but he is very happy.
243.I’m reading while he’s watching TV.
244.It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet.
245.He is clever and works hard, so he always studies best in his class.
246.Work harder, or you’ll fall behind the other students.
247.I would like either tea or coffee.
248.I don’t know if she has gone to ShangHai.
249.He’ll ring me up as soon as he gets to Australia.
250.Wherever you may go, you mustn’t forget your motherland.
251.Where there is a will, there is a way,
252.Though they are tired, they are still working.
253.We were late for school because it rained yesterday.
254.Mr and Mrs White tried to save money so that they could buy a new computer.
255.I’d like to open the window if you don’t mind.
256.It is such a wonderful toy car that children all like it.

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