

发布时间:2009-03-13 00:00:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

八 叙述事件
作者应在初步编排素材的基础上,选择生动有趣而又紧扣主题的典型事例,避空洞笼统与主题无关的夸夸其谈或事例堆砌.例如"A Spring Outing"一文章的作者想反映的是当代中学生热情向上的人生态度和锐意进取,不屈不挠的斗争精神.他没有从唱歌,跳舞,做游戏等方面选材,而是紧紧围绕主题,从山路陡峭,同学们互帮互助,不畏艰险等方面选材,有力地突出了所要表达的中心思想.
最简单的叙事顺序是按情节发展的先后次序叙述即"顺叙".但有时为了更好地突出主题和为情节发展作铺垫,也可以从故事中间或结尾谈起,即可用"插叙"或"倒叙"的方法.具体采用什么样的叙事顺序,取决于记叙的内容以及文章中心的需要,其目的是更好地突出主题,增强记叙效果.例如"The Necklace"一文,作者先写Jeanne和Mathilde相遇在公园,Mathilde饱经沧桑的容貌使Jeanne不能辨认,文章由Jeanne的问题"Where have you bee these years "
和"Have times been hard for you "引起话题,引出Mathilde对往事的回忆.故事按借项链—参加晚会—丢项链—辛勤工作以赔偿项链这一顺序展开,叙述中又穿插了在Mathilde和Pierre家中的情节,道出了借项链的原因.全文采用倒叙的方法,为读者设立悬念;起到了扣人心弦的效果,而在倒叙中又运用顺叙和插叙的方法,目的是要更好地为故事情节的发展作铺垫,突出人物性格.
叙述一件事情,就要在文中交代清楚五方面的内容即何时,何地,何人,何事以及发展如何,也就是英语中的when, where, who, what 以及how,使叙述做到有因有果,有起有落,给人以完整的印象.交代五大要素时,要力求灵活多样,切忌呆板.例如交代时间时,可用时间状语(When we arrived there….) 也可用介词短语(on arriving there)或用一些时间 (then)副词等,只有灵活地交代要素,文章才能生动.
叙事要根据中心的需要来确定详略,对最能表达中心的要详写,其他的则略写.以"The Merchant of Venice"为例,作者要着力表现的是Portia的机智勇敢和Shylock的贪婪凶残,因此,作者把叙事的重点放在法庭上,而对其他细节则一笔带过,这样就疏密有致,浓淡相宜,文章和谐匀称,主题突出.
(1)春 游
[题 材]
内容:1,时间——上星期四; 2,地点——长山; 3,上山的路,行走困难;
4,同学们互相支持; 5,终于登上山顶; 6,返回
[范 文]
A Spring Outing
Last Thursday we went to Changshan for our spring outing. We reached the foot of the hill at 9 a. m.. After having a short rest, we began to climb. There was no road but stones and bushes. We had to make a way by ourselves.
With the help of the grass, we moved on. While walking, the strong students helped the weak ones. After some time, we were all tried. How we wanted to have a rest, but we couldn’t stop. We walked on. At last, we got to the top of the hill.
On the top of the hill, we laughed and jumped. It seemed that we were the happiest people in the world. We took some photos there, and then sat down and had something to eat.
At 3 p. m. we began to go down. We wished the spring of our country would be with us forever.
缩写是在保留原文体载,题材,主要内容,结构顺序,人称角度的前提下概括原文内容,压缩篇幅使之成为一篇内容简明,语言简练,中心突出的短文.缩写时须把握的一个原则是:我们要对原文内容高度概括,而不是对原文内容的改写或评论,议论,因此切不可添加自己的主观看法,发表自 议论.如果上一原则不可随意加,那么与此相关的另一原则是不可随意减.缩写时一定要准确完整地把握原文,主干枝叶分清楚,有关主题的主干切不可任意肢解删减,我们要删去或简写的是无关大局的细节,切不可随便摘取其中部分要点了事.
缩写要注意语言.首先,要在准确理解原文的基础上,对原文要点用自己的话进行改写(paraphrase),不要在原文中生硬摘取连缀成句.如一篇原文中有这样的描写:We moved out of the city slowly behind a long line of cars, but at last we came to a quiet country road and after some time, stopped at the lonely farm这么长的句子说明了一个事实:路上出游的车很多,得过很久才能找到一个安静的地方.我们可用自己的话表达原句:There were a lot of cars on the road so it took us a long time to find a quiet place. 或We spent so much time finding a quiet place, for there were so many cars on the road. 其次,缩写语言要简练.我们可以将多个简单句变成一个紧凑的复合句.如:Newton thought about so many problems that he was often absentminded. he frequently forgot to have his meals. 一句可以紧缩为Newton was so absentminded that he often forgot to have his meals. 使语言简练的另一手段是将小句(clause)变成短语.如:When the child saw his mother, he cried loudly. 可变为Seeing his mother, the child cried loudly. 再如,As far as the weather is concerned. 可简化成as for the weather等等.
首先,要保持原文基本内容不变,在些基础上可进行细节添加或删减.例如"看病"这一题材若以对话形式出现就少不了医生对病人说的专业性用语,如:What’s the matter with you How are you feeling 等,而在商店出现的对话就少不了售货员的行业用语,如:What can I do for you 等,它们在被改写短文时是要被删除的,因为它们只是进入正式活动的引入语.当然同类题材的短文改写成对话时要顾及到它们所起的作用.有些改写需在写作中想象某些情节,这一点常出现在转换人称角度的作文中.添加内容时,一定要注意切题,根据上下文做合情合理的设想.
对原文进行改写时要注意语言的灵活多变性.例如将对话改写成短文时,要仔细研究原文中句子的功能,然后根据不同的功能选择适当的表达方式,不能笼统地将语言功能分为问(ask),答(answer),说(say).当询问时可以用ask, inquire, want to know, wonder 等;表示命题,要求时可用ask\request, demand等;当提出建议时可说suggest, advise, give a piece of advice等;当表扬或指责时可用praise, accuse等;当表示承诺时可用promise.这样,语言的灵活使用可使行文自然,流畅.
[题 材]
Gary: Hello. Could I speak to Mary, please
Marry: Yes, it’s Mary here. Is that Gary speaking
Garry: yes. There’ll be a football game in our university this afternoon. Will you go to
watch it with me
Mary: What time will it begin
Garry: At two o’clock. If you go, I’ll wait for you at the gate of your company at half past
one. OK
Marry: I want to go with you very much, Gary, but I’m afraid I cannot. I’ll be at a
conference then.
Gary: It’s too bad! What about tomorrow morning, Mary There’ll be another match
Marry: That’s great! I’ll be free tomorrow.
Gary: Where can I wait for you
Marry: You’d better come to my home, and then we’ll go to the game together. All right
Gary: OK. Good-bye.
Marry: See you tomorrow.
[范 文]
An Invitation to Watch a Football Game
One morning, Gary rang up Mary, inviting her to watch a football game with him that afternoon. Mary wanted to, but she couldn’t because she had to attend a conference. Gary was regretful for that.
Then Gary told Mary that there would be another game at the some place the next morning and asked her if she could go to it with him. Mary was happy that she would be free that day and could watch the game with Gary. She told Gary to come to her home and then they would go to it together.
(2)失 眠
[题 材]
A businessman who had been working too much found that he could not sleep at night, but kept on falling asleep in the day. He became so worried that he went to see his doctor.
"Can you help me, doctor " he asked anxiously, "I used to sleep well, but recently I haven’t been able to sleep for more than two hours a night."
The doctor examined him carefully, gave him some tests, advised him to work less hard, and told him to take some medicine to help him. The doctor was sure that he was not seriously ill, and that he would soon be better.
But the businessman grew worse instead of better. He slept even less than before at night, and was continually asleep in his office. He visited his doctor very often, and it took the doctor a long time to discover the reason that the businessman’s servant gave him the sleeping medicine in the morning, and the one to keep him awake at night.
[范 文]
A businessman worked too hard, and he could not get to sleep at night while he kept falling asleep at daytime. He became so worried that he had to see his doctor. The doctor examined him carefully and found out he wasn’t seriously ill. The doctor gave him some medicine and told him to work less hard.
But the businessman grew even worse. He saw the doctor once again. At last the doctor discovered that the businessman’s servant gave him sleeping medicine in the morning and the medicine that kept him awake in the evening by mistake.

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