

发布时间:2010-10-13 08:39:00


41. _____ when one loses freedom does one know its value.

  A. Just        B. Only     C. Even       D. Ever

此题最佳答案应选B,主要因为其后主句用了倒装句式(...does one know its value),而综合所给四个选项,只有“only +状语”置于句首才会引出倒装句式。又如:

  Only in this way can you do it well.只有用这种办法你才能把它做好。

  Only by working hard can you succeed.你只有努力才能成功。

  Only yesterday did he return me the money.昨天他才把钱还给我。

   Only after the accident did he have his car inspected.只有在那次事故之后,他才叫人检查了他的车子

42. He was in great need of money, so he _____ $5, 000 for his car.

  A. paid       B. took      C. cost       D. spent

许多同学根据pay ... for ...这一搭配推断出此题应选A。但是错了,当然若单独说He paid $5 000 for the car (他付了5 000美元买这车)也没什么不妥,但问题是,本句前面有这样一句He was in great need of money (他急需要钱),既然是“急需要钱”,又怎么还会花5 000美元去买车呢?尤其还需注意的是car前的物主代词his,这说明是为自己的车花5 000美元,不合情理。此题的正确答案是Btake在此表示“获得”,句意为“他急需要钱,把自己的车以5 000美元给卖掉了”。

43. They weren't a particularly good team, but they refused to give in and _____ defeat.

  A. accept       B. accepted   C. accepting      D. to have accepted


44. Mother told Jim to watch the milk until it boiled and then _____ off the gas.

  A. turn       B. turning      C. turned       D. having turned

答案为Aturn off the gas watch the milk until it boiled并列。

45. Have you seen _____ pen? I left it here this morning.  Is it _____ black one? I think I saw it somewhere. A. a, the     B. the, the     C. a, a     D. the, a

此题容易误选A,生搬硬套冠词用法规则:第一次提到某人或某事物用不定冠词,第二次再提到该人或该事物时用定冠词。但事实上,此题的第二空Is it black one?中的one并非指前面提到的pen,即这里的one与前面的pen并非同一事物。另外,从后面的I think I saw it somewhere(我想我在哪个地方见过)可知前一句的black one不能是特指的,而应是泛指的,故应用不定冠词。此题正确答案为C。现在我们把此题变化一下:

47. “Have you seen___pen? I left it here this morning.” “Is it __black one? I found it in the corner.”

A. a, the       B. the, the    C. a, a       D. the, a


48. My friend Mary is _____ beautiful girl and _____ girl everyone likes to work with.

A. a, a        B. a, the       C. the, a          D. the, the

此题很容易误选B,认为第一次提到girl用不定冠词,第二次提到就应该用定冠词。但是,句中第二次提到girl时并不是特指的,此句实为一省略句,补充完整是:My friend Mary is a beautiful girl and she is a girl everyone likes to work with.比较以下两句(第二个girl前用了定冠词,因为那是特指):      

For this he asked a girl, but the girl refused to answer him.


  The other day he met a beautiful girl in the park and the girl smiled at him

49 Is there _____ here? No, Bob and Tim have asked for leave.

  A. anybody       B. everybody    C. somebody      D. nobody


50. Is there _____ here? Yes, I'm upstairs. Please come and help me.

         A. anybody      B. everybody      C. somebody      D. nobody

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