
发布时间:2020-02-13 20:35:00


2月11日,84岁的钟南山院士在广州接受了外媒路透社采访,全程用英文交流,实在令人叹服。他估计新型冠状病毒疫情会在2月下旬出现峰值,希望4月前结束。采访中,谈到因染上病毒不幸去世的李文亮医生,老先生眼中带泪说到 "The majority people think he is the hero of China,so even me.I'm so proud of him." 说到后面钟老嘴唇发抖,潸然泪下,真是一番感人肺腑的剖白。引起网友热议的还有钟南山院士的英文。有网友说"钟老的英语 自然流利,真是自愧不如啊!";"优秀的人各方面都优秀,他就是我们的男神.";"我要把这专访发给女儿:这就是为什么好好学习的原因 "。钟院士虽用英语接受采访但给我们传达的爱国之情一点都不少,查资料得知钟院士在1979年至1981曾赴爱丁堡大学医学院及伦敦大学呼吸系进修。据说他35岁才开研读医学专业术语和专业英语。在英国每天上完课,他都至少用一小时练习口语和听力,"我反复地听磁带,有泛听、也有精听,边听边写,做了几大本笔记后,我的听力渐渐好起来了。最关键的听力解决了,其他就好办"。所以后来到不同国家和地区做演讲,和外媒无压力交流,也只是因为他比别人多付出许多。快来感受钟院士的魅力吧。





   I think the majority of the people think he is the hero of china.So even me. So, I am so proud of him. He told people the truth at the end of December. And then he passed away. I think on the second day, in Wuhan and some other cities, they held a short morning memorial and just raised their mobile phones, turn on the light and shou show this a couple minutes. They admire him, and they suppose Dr.Li is a hero.

    I should say the local government, local health care authority  should have some responsibility on this. Their work had not been doing well. So, they would take some responsibilty. 

    We supposed maybe the peak time may be reached at maybe the middle or late this month,February. So, and then keep a little bit plateau, or something like that, and then going down.         

    So I suppose after this event, China should set up a very strict law or stipulation saying so it's really bad to keep wildlife or eat wildlife. We should keep a harmony with the wildlife in the world. Not break the natural ecology of the world. We shoud exist peacefully.
