
发布时间:2014-08-06 09:10:00



一、       完形填空的题型


1、 定距离删词完形填空(the fixed-ratio cloze



What is a college?


Confusion exists concerning that real purposes, aims, and goals of a college. What are these? What should be a college?


Some believe that the chief function (1) ________ even a liberal arts college is (2) ________ vocational one. I feel that the (3) ________ function of a college, while important, (4) ________ nonetheless secondary. Others profess that the (5) ________ purpose of a college is to (6) ________ paragons of moral, mental, and spiritual (7) ________ Bernard McFaddens with halos. If they (8) ________ that the college should include students 99) ________ the highest moral, ethnical, and religious (10)  ________ by precept and example, I (11) ________ willing to accept the thesis.



2、 合理删词完形填空(the rational cloze



The natural method of learning a foreign language almost necessarily implied residence in the country where ________ language is spoken. But residence abroad has also ________ own linguistic drawbacks. It sounds well to talk of “picking ________ a language” ________ ear in the country, but most good linguists will confess that they learnt nearly everything from books, especially at the beginning of ________ study. There are, indeed, many obstacles ________ learning from conversation. In the hurry of talk we are to mishear and forget, so that ________ we learn in that way is ________ reliable. Conversation is not really ________means of learning new words and expressions, but ________ practice in hearing and reproducing what have learnt. In conversation we ________ have the disadvantage of hearing the ________ way of learning ________ those questions were expressed correctly, for it is very difficult to overhear the native speakers asking each ________ questions which will serve ________ patterns for our ________. Rash productions for what we hear casually land us in vulgar, ludicrously slangy or ________ objectionable expressions.




第1页 第2页 第3页
