
发布时间:2014-08-06 09:10:00


4、 完词式完形填空(C-test



        There are usually five men in the crew of a fire engine. One o_____ them dri____ the eng______. The lea______ sits bes______ the dri______. The ot____ firemen s_____ inside t_____ cab of______ the f_____ engine. t______ leaders h______ usually be in t_____ Fire Ser___ for ma_____ years. H_____ will kn_____ how t_____ fight diff_____ sorts o_____ fires. S_____, when t_____ firemen arr_____ at a fire, it is always the leader who decides how to fight a fire. He tells each fireman what to do.



        Children’s hospitals are much more human nowadays than they used to be. This had nothing to do with them being modern or n________(1). It depends on the attitude of the staff. Nurses must d________(2) everything they can to make children feel at home during their s________(3)  in hospital. They can only do this by looking at things t________(4) a child’s eyes. In some hospitals, children are still separated from t________(5) parents after arrival. If nurses have been well trained they will u________(6) understand how worried little children are on such occasions and t________(7) of the parents as parents, who are helping to make t________(8) child calm again. Instead of taking the child away as soon a________(9) he arrives, they should let the mother stay with him before h________(10) fear of the new surroundings has passed.


二、   完形填空题目的设计要求

1、  选材要求


2、  选材的难度




4、  短文第一句或头两句是完整的,部去掉任何词,目的是把学生引入语境。从第二句或第三句再开始算每隔几个词去掉一个词。

5、  删词时遇到文章中的专有名词,如人名、地名、数字、时间等,要避开。这些东西部属于语言测试的范围。

6、  删掉的词应有难有易。虚词就比较容易填;用本句语法信息就可以判断的词也容易填,如词组的一部分,时态的一部分或固定表达方式的一部分。还有,几个要靠前面的句子或后面的句子内容来判断或推导的,那就要难一些,但确实是考理解能力和写作能力的。没有后一种的填空,就失去完形测试的意义了,就成了单句填空了。也就是说,insist _____ doing 中就知道填介词on,但这句子可以根本看不懂。

7、  选择式完形填空的选项设计

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