
Faith: The Power to Move Mountains

发布时间:2009-03-25 00:00:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

In case you are thinking it's all very well to talk about the power of faith and something else altogether to actually have it, what follows are some practical how-to's for growing your own faith bigger. You may want to make a decision yourself to experience a quantum leap toward your highest good this week.

First, understand what faith is. When we have faith, we have the experience of complete, total inner peace and contentment. We feel very centered in the present because we know the future is going to be fine, no matter what. With faith we are not attached to a future outcome. With attachment there is always fear and the feeling that we won't be OK unless things work out in a particular way. When we are in fear about the future we can't be very present in the moment and we certainly don't experience inner peace.

Faith is also not the same thing as wishing. Faith produces results. Wishing doesn't. Wishing keeps us focused on what we don't have. We feel lack rather than peace. Seek out people who have more faith than you or at least support your faith. Find a friend, a group or a spiritual teacher whose faith will spark your own. Read books about Mother Theresa, Peace Pilgrim or other stories of faith in action. Don't talk about your faith to people who have less than you unless you have enough to share. Doubt can be catching, too.

Don't worry about dispelling all doubt. As Jesus pointed out, we only need faith the size of a mustard seed to move a mountain. Instead of trying to get rid of your doubts, focus instead on paying attention to your mustard seed of faith. Let your imagination help you with this. Imagine how it would feel if you did have total faith. Imagine what it would feel like to be someone you know of whose faith is greater than yours. As you step out of yourself in this way and see through new eyes, you will experience a bigger faith. Even a moment of faith is a powerful force.

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