
歌曲Try Everything

发布时间:2018-12-08 09:45:00

内容提要:《疯狂动物城》主题曲Try Everything中英字幕

Oh oh oh oh oooh……

I messed up tonight, I lost another fight

刚搞砸了这一头 却又没顾得上那一头

I still mess up but I'll just start again


I keep falling down, I keep on hitting the ground

想要触碰未来的心总会让我再站起来 继续大步前迈

I always get up now to see what's the next

不断跌倒 不断失败 也要不断重来

Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up

在天空飞翔的鸟儿也难免会受伤会折翼 但也会重新振翅飞起

Nobody learns without getting it won


I won't give up, no I won't give in

我不会轻言放弃 谁也别想能让我放弃

Till I reach the end, then I'll start again

不停向前直到我达成心愿 然后又向更高的天空迈进

No I won't leave, I wanna try everything

我不会逃避也不会迟疑 愿去尝试生命不同的绮丽

I wanna try even though I could fail

即使前路崎岖 未来阴晴不定 但至少我能体会到风雨过后的别样风景

I won't give up, no I won't give in

我不会轻言放弃 谁也别想能让我放弃

Till I reach the end and then I'll start again

不停向前直到我达成心愿 然后又向更高的天空迈进

No I won't leave, I wanna try everything

我不会逃避也不会迟疑 愿去尝试生命不同的绮丽

I wanna try even though I could fail

即使前路崎岖 未来阴晴不定 但至少我能体会到风雨过后的别样风景

Oh oh oh oh ooohTry everything


Oh oh oh oh ooohTry everything


Oh oh oh oh ooohTry everything


Oh oh oh oh ooohLook at how far you've come

当你想放弃 就回头看看你走过了多少崎岖

you filled your heart with love


Baby you've done enough that cut your breath

别泄气 你已经做得够好了

Don't beat yourself up, don't need to run so fast

别自暴自弃 也别太过心急

Sometimes we come last, but we did our best

成功或许会迟些才降临 但尽过全力至少不会遗憾

I won't give up, no I won't give in

我不会轻言放弃 谁也别想能让我放弃

Till I reach the end and then I'll start again

不停向前直到我达成心愿 然后又向更高的天空迈进

No I won't leave, I wanna try everything

我不会逃避也不会迟疑 愿去尝试生命不同的绮丽

I wanna try even though I could fail

即使前路崎岖 未来阴晴不定 但至少我能体会到风雨过后的别样风景

I won't give up, no I won't give in

我不会轻言放弃 谁也别想能让我放弃

Till I reach the end and then I'll start again

不停向前直到我达成心愿 然后又向更高的天空迈进

No I won't leave, I wanna try everything

我不会逃避也不会迟疑 愿去尝试生命不同的绮丽

I wanna try even though I could fail

即使前路崎岖 未来阴晴不定 但至少我能体会到风雨过后的别样风景

I'll keep on making those new mistakes

我会继续勇敢去体验 即使我还会不停犯错

I'll keep on making them every day


Those new mistakes


Oh oh oh oh oooh Try everything……


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