

发布时间:2018-02-03 12:48:00


- 歌 词 -

《Happened to meet you》


Tears falling, we're smiling

Such a lonely night

God make that star so bright

I'm falling, time to go home

But we're dancing to songs

Hold me, because

Only when you're holding me

My heart loses a beat

My whole world crumbling

Because you're leaving me

Because when you're holding me

My heart loses a beat

And both hearts will bleed

When you have a dance with me.

Back to bed, dry your tears

When I woke up you disappeared

We dance to music with the stars so bright

I guess I'll dream those nights away

Only when you're holding me

My heart loses a beat

Now you're leaving my heart's bleeding

Is this how it was meant to be?

Only when you're holding me

My heart loses a beat

And both hearts shall bleed

When you have this dance with me~

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