

发布时间:2011-12-15 09:58:00


  251. turn the gas off
  252. sound the fire alarm
  253. be trapped in
  254. belong to
  255. in the ceiling of
  256. get close to
  257. at present
  258. long ago
  259. the number of sth.
  260. it is hoped that
  261. be invited to
  262. call on sb.
  263. sth. look nice on sb.
  264. pay back
  265. be worth
  266. at the most
  267. pick up
  268. to one's surprise
  269. offer sth. to sb.
  270. think of / think about
  271. be cross
  272. look down upon sb.
  273. in the beginning
  274. come out
  275. again and again
  276. a paper-making factory
  277. catch /have a cold
  278. come across sb.
  279. cut up
  280. praise sb. for sth.
  281. in one's fifties
  282. give advice on sth.
  283. receive a doctor's degree
  284. be supported by sb.
  285. close friends
  286. translate a. into b.
  287. make progress
  288. before long /long before
  289. stand for
  290. be made up of
  300. be famous for

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