

发布时间:2011-12-15 09:58:00


  501. refuse to do sth.
  502. a cheque for $100
  503. live the rest of one's life
  504. take american nationality
  505. be fond of
  506. lead a simple way of life
  507. leave a. for b.
  508. go on with sth.
  509. stick to sth.
  510. take sides in
  511. be respected as
  512. further education
  513. so far as i know
  514. get sth. ready
  515. in space
  516. travel in a high circle
  517. at the speed of
  518. keep sth out of
  519. set up an organization
  520. with the help of
  521. outer space
  522. carry out
  523. attempt to do sth.
  524. be connected with
  525. have a seat
  526. personal affairs
  527. see to sth.
  528. mean to do sth.
  529. make a note of
  530. it's time sb. did sth
  531. remember me to sb
  532. delay sth./doing sth
  533. be well known for sth.
  534. dare say
  535. pay sb. a visit
  536. do repairs
  537. there is no doubt about it
  538. sb.be supposed to do sth
  539. a length of
  540. i wish i did sth
  541. dive off the rock
  542. take a deep breath
  543. go cycling
  544. by weight
  545. stay clean
  546. a variety of
  547. at a time
  548. at the bottom of
  549. feed on sth.
  550. hold one's breath

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