

发布时间:2011-12-15 09:58:00


  651.put out
  652.look out
  653.start a fire
  654.become experienced at
  656.feed on
  657.round up
  658.all the year round
  659.hand down
  660.rather than
  661.give birth to
  662.look forward to
  663.now and again
  664.fix a date
  665starve to death
  666.in a word
  667.in debt
  668.make good sense
  669.help oneself to
  670.express one's satisfaction with sth
  671.bring in
  672.go hand in hand
  673.try out
  674.a waste of money
  675.admire sb for sth
  676.remind sb of sth
  677.get rid of
  678.in this way
  679.get rid of
  680.break up
  681.seek to do sth
  682.be active in
  683.shut down
  684.sentence sb to death
  685.masses of
  686.protect sb from sth
  687.watch over
  688.fall to pieces
  689.at war
  690.take on
  691.carry on with
  692.fall into ruins
  693 cover an area of 200 square kilometers
  694.in a poor state
  695.keep off
  696.in battle
  697.be of great importance
  698.keep one's word
  699.have a miSUNderstanding about sth
  700.be ashamed of

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