
发布时间:2010-05-18 08:36:00

内容提要:    Why is people fond of taking photos with animals? To begin with, tourists from foreign countries may be curious about local animals that they’ve never seen before. It makes them eager to photograph with animals for further memorizing. Moreover, the innocent and lovely appearance of animals sparks the tourists’ interests of approaching them. Worse still, a photo with an oversea animal may become the evidence for some people to show off their experiences.

    Koalas at the Featherdale Wildlife Park are constantly awoken from deep sleep by tourists who come to photograph with them. Local government now is planning to ban the practice by law.

    Why is people fond of taking photos with animals? To begin with, tourists from foreign countries may be curious about local animals that they've never seen before. It makes them eager to photograph with animals for further memorizing. Moreover, the innocent and lovely appearance of animals sparks the tourists’ interests of approaching them. Worse still, a photo with an oversea animal may become the evidence for some people to show off their experiences.

    However, what would the poor animals be thinking? Supposing I were a koala who is always awoken by tourists annoyingly, I would be absolutely unfriendly and bad-tempered to such disturbing invaders! What’s more, I would be in poor condition as well as feeling ill. If we are in their shoes, we'll surely sympathize the situation of them.

    So, in my opinion, the practice of photographing with animals should be banned. If we love these pretty animals, if we appreciate their beauty, and if we care about our blue planet, please stop waking them and taking photos with them.
