Faith: The Power to Move Mountains

发布时间:2009-03-25 00:00:00


Now the question is, what to have faith in? If you would like to join the experiment in calling forth a quantum leap in the coming week, think of something your heart has been calling for, maybe something that seems a bit out of reach, even a little bit impossible. Be clear about what you want. Be specific. Put it in writing. Visualize it. Pray and ask God for what you want. Know you deserve it and that God wants you to be happy. Then let it go.

Next comes the tricky part. Now you have to really let it go. It's important not to go back into doubt by wondering if it worked and when you'll see results. While there is creative power in being clear with God about what we want, there's even more power in placing our request and then having faith that God will deliver it in the best possible way, even if it winds up looking very different than we expected. Imagine that your quantum leap has already occurred, you just don't know where in time it has been placed. It's like a birthday present that's in the mail. You know it's there, you know it's yours and you will receive it simply by going about your life with as much contentment and pleasure as possible.

Finally, faith means expecting success and declaring everything that happens to be part of your success no matter what. Instead of looking for signs of your success, which is tinged with an attitude of prove-it-to-me doubt, this week practice finding signs of success. It's a little like being on an Easter egg hunt. You know without any doubt those eggs are out there. Some may be so obvious you'll practically step on them, while some you might have to peek behind bushes and rocks to uncover.

One slight warning: be aware that taking a quantum leap is not a quick fix. While it is characterized by greater ease, fewer steps and less struggle, it isn't necessarily the most comfortable path. Quantum leaps involve a big step into the unfamiliar. They take us out of our comfort zone, requiring us to embrace change quickly. As physicist Fred Alan Wolf, author of Taking the Quantum Leap puts it, "Taking the quantum leap means taking a risk, going off into uncharted territory with no guide to follow. Such a venture is an uncertain affair at best. It also means risking something that no one else would dare risk." It's a risk well worth taking. See if you don't move mountains!

Lynn Woodland is the author of "Power, Effectiveness and Spirit." Please visit her website at

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