
发布时间:2010-05-12 15:44:00

内容提要:Friends are people you care about and you think about when they are not there.They are the people you think of when you see something they might like,because you know them so well.

  Friends are people you care about and you think about when they are not there.

  They are the people you think of when you see something they might like,because you know them so well.

  They are the people whose pictures you have and whose faces are in your head.

  Friends are the people who won't laugh at you or hurt you.If they do hurt you,they try hard to make it up to you.

  They are the people you love,regardless of whether you realize it.

  Friends are the people you feel safe around because you know they care about you.They call just to see how you are doing,because a friend doesn't need an excuse.They tell you the truth,the first time,and you do the same.You know that if you have a problem,they are there to listen.

  Friends stand by you.They watch you live and you watch them live and you learn from each other.Your life is not the same without them.

  Friends are the people who stop you from making mistakes.If you do something wrong,they will hold your hands or hug you,because they understand the things you do.

  Friends are the people you feel safe around. They call just to see how you are doing. They tell you the truth,the first time,you do the same. You know that if you have a problem,they are there to listen.

  Friends are the people who won't laugh at you or hurt you,and if they do hurt you they try hard to make it up to you.

  Friends are the people who stop you from making mistakes and help you out.

  They stick with you and stand by you. They hold your hand.They are always there when you need them. They share your sorrow and happiness. Whatever in your good time or bad time,they support you,asking for nothing.

  Genuine friend should be like this.We all have many friends around us everyday. It is important to learn to distinguish them, and Make a difference between treat differently.

  Friends are wonderful. Your life is not the same without them.

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