文章结构好似人骨架 09年高考英语作文构思法

发布时间:2009-06-01 13:25:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn


  很多考生看到这个话题的时候就想象这个题目是不是在考一个记叙文,并且在看到题目的那一瞬间就开始构思一个故事。这种思维是不正确的,会导致考生无从下手,甚至出现跑题现象。事实上,这还是一篇议论文,其中心就是分析一下“礼物对一个人的影响”。所以在文章的开头首先应该引出“礼物”这个话题,比如可以这么写:It is universally acknowledged that a good present is of great value to a person and even prone to change his or her life.(1) As for me, one of the most meaningful presents I have given to others is a watch which had been given to Tom, one of my best friends.(2) 此处第(1)个句子引出了“礼物”这个话题,并且契合文章的主题,即礼物对一个人有着重要意义甚至改变一个人的生活。第(2)句话则引出了中心句,即礼物是什么,给了谁。其中,黑体字部分是比较出彩的句型或短语。



  首先做一个过渡:I wish that the present will bring him a number of influences.
  接着写第一个论点及其细节论证:First, hopefully, with the watch, he will pay more attention to punctuality, which is an important merit of a person. In the past, diligent and warm-hearted as he was, he sometimes had no sense of time, which caused him to be late for many things and led to some trouble in work. In the future, the watch will always remind him of the time so that he will be able to do everything on time.

  再写第二个论点及其细节论证:What’s more, I hope this watch will bring happy memories to him in the future. He used to tell me that he might feel lonely in the future after leaving high school and entering a completely new environment. The gift will surely bring him back to the good old days we gaily spent together and make him feel better when he misses the old friends in high school.


  比如2007年高考作文的结尾就可以写为: I do wish that Tom will like this present, which will bring him a profound influence and motivate him to fight for a better future.
  另外如果文章讨论的是一些具有负面影响的问题,也可以在结尾时顺带提一下如何解决这个问题,比如关于代沟产生的原因的话题,最后结尾的时候可以一方面总结代沟之原因,另一方面说出你的建议。例如:It is the lack of communication between the parents and the children that have led to the generation gap, and it is advisable that the both generations should talk more with each other to bridge the gap.

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·what 用法07-10