Schools of the future 未来的学校
发布时间:2012-03-12 18:46:00
All our innovations, our discoveries, our creativity come from one source: being able first to see what is there, and what is not; to hear what is said, and what is not. But also to think clearly.
And even more im portant is the science of intuition. The academy of the future will have to engage this mysterious necessity of the value, the sublime value of intuition in our lives, and our work. How to make those intuitive leaps that transformed the science and the art of humanity a quality that is available to all, and made of constant value to humanity – this will be the true turning point in the future history of our civilisation.
Discipline, hard work, rationality, calculation, can get us only so far; and in time will become the norm. With it we will produce efficient, but mediocre citizens. These are tools that can be used for good or ill. But the science of intuition – the mysterious spark that separates the great discoverers and philosophers and artists from the nearly great, this will one day have to be studied, and used for the common good.
We need to widen, at base, and invisibly, the inevitable necessity of teaching students the need for self-discovery. Consciousness studies ought to be a fundamental part of a liberal or scientific education. All students ought to be philosophers. All students ought to be aware that they are the true spark of the transformation of the world. All students ought to be practical dreamers. Universities ought not only to turn out students for the various spheres of business, science, the arts, the running of the economy, management and information technology skills, but people who can enrich the life of the planet as human beings.
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