
发布时间:2016-06-29 09:54:00



 TFBOYS三小只凭借一首《青春修炼手册》圈粉无数, “跟着我左手右手一个慢动作,右手左手慢动作重播。”这句歌词不仅火遍了全中国,就连外国妹纸都听过了,还翻唱成了英文版!

      这枚金发妹纸名叫Ava King(金小鱼),是一位来中国发展的法美双国籍女歌手,同时也是一名主持人。她翻唱的英文版歌词有一定的改编,唱腔也带给你完全不同的感觉,温柔、抒情又励志!一起来听听吧~



Shoe shine my shoes, put on my suit

Got to look my best when I’m dreaming

Each step I take, each move I make

Hold my head up high keep on trying

It’s like moving mountains

It might be hard but nothing can break me

It’s an uphill battle

But seeing you makes me strong

Keep my faith, keep pushing on

Follow my right hand left hand as I take the floor

Left hand right hand I can show you more

I sing this song for you alone

So tell me do you love me now

Follow my right hand come on look my way 

right hand left hand show my dreams some faith

I'm reaching to you nothing left to lose

So tell me do you love me now

love me now

love me now

Follow my right hand left hand as I take the floor

Left hand right hand I can show you more

I sing this song to you alone

So tell me do you love me now


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