
Chemical or Organic Farming? 

发布时间:2010-05-14 14:43:00


                          chemical farming



1. damage the land

by killing the helpful bacteria and pests as well as harmful ones

2. affect crops,animals and humans

by staying in the ground and underground water

3. lead to cancer or other illnesses

by building up in people’s bodies over time

4. fruit,vegetables and other food have less nutrition

by growing too fast

           3). What organic farming methods do farmers use?

           4). What are the advantages of these methods?    

                         Organic farming




1. use natrual waste from animals as fertilizers

make the soil in their fields richer in minerals and so more fertile

2. change the kind of crop in each field every few years

put important minerals back into the soil, making it ready for other crops

3. plant different crops with different roots

use different levels of soil

4. plant grass between crops and then leave it in the ground

prevent wind or water from carrying away the soil and become a natural fertilizers

[设计说明] 通过skimming培养学生快速阅读获取大意的能力,了解课文主要意思;而scanning则用以培养学生获取特定信息的能力。

Step 4. Dialogue-making

       Say far, you are quite familiar with chemical or organic farming. Now Tom  is going to work a farm for the first time. He comes to ask you for advice on how to grow good food  without damaging the environment or people’s health.

Make a dialogue between Tom and you.

      (Work in pairs and then ask some pairs to act out their dialogues.)

[设计说明] 设计情景,让学生运用所学到的知识进行对话表演,学以致用使学生获得成就感。

Step 5. Language learning

  1. Listen to the tape and underline the useful phrases and expressions in the text.
  2. Work in groups to help each other understand the language points.
  3. Check by translating some phrases as follows:







7).使免受(影响); 使不含(有害物)




[设计说明] 学生边听边划出有用的词组,培养学生运用多种感官学习语言的能力和捕捉重要信息的能力;小组活动有助于组员间互助合作解决学习中的问题,同时提高学习的效率。

Step 6. Exercises

    Do some exercises to help students grasp the language points in the text.

    1. Choose the following expressions to complete the sentences.

cause/do damage to, wash off, lead to, bulid up, in addition(to),

 keep…free from/of,  focus on,  avoid doing

1). His mistakes  leads to his failure.

2). These chemcals in the food supply  build up  in people’s bodies over time.

3). All roads  lead to Rome.

4). Please  focus  your mind  on  the following problem.

5). Children should  be kept free from  violence.

6). He likes basketball. In addition, he likes football.

    =He likes basketball  in addition to  football.

7).Little Tom stuck to washing  the mud  off  his shoes by himself before he came in.

8). I tried to  avoid meeting  (meet) him because he always bores me.

9). The storm on May 3  has caused  great  damage to  people in Burma so far.

10).Columbia____ America while  Edison____the electric light.

       A. invented            B.discovered

11).The whole country was __ by the storm,  which had a bad ____ on peoples life.

       A. affected,effect       B. effected, affect

       C. affected,affect        D. effected, effected

12).Crops such as peas put minerals back into the soil, ____it ready for other crops.

       A. makes              B.making

       C. to make             D.made

13). He hurried to the booking office only____that all the tickets had been sold out.

        A. to tell             B. to be told

        C. telling             D. told

[设计说明] 以练代讲,通过练习使学生掌握主要语言点的用法。

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