

发布时间:2010-05-12 22:13:00


  60. The poor boy was seen with his hand ________behind his back and his eyes ________into the sky.(tie, look)

  61. Who would you rather have ________________the window (clean)

  62. Which do you enjoy __________________the weekend, fishing or swimming (spend)

  63 You'd better stay at home and I will keep you ________________of what is happening.(inform)

  64. Is this the best way you've thought of __________________the problem (solve)

  65. In the reading room, we found her ____________at a desk, with her attention _______on a magazine. (seat, fix)

  66. This is the watch I want to have __________________(repair)。

  67. ---How many women cleaners do you have _________________in your company (work) ---Fve in all.

  68. How could he get the plan ____________________ out without any one to support him (carry)

  69. Towards evening , this patient opened his mouth as if________________ something to his son.(say)

  70._______in a heavy traffic jam while you are hurrying to the airport is quite an unpleasant experience.(catch)

  71.__________good, cookies made by the Smiths _____________well in the market.(smell, sell)

  72. He walked in , _________a book in his hand, went to a table near the window and sat down in silence.(carry)

  73. Don't worry.I' ll have it ___________and get someone ____________it to you tomorrow.(type, send)

  74. My demand is that the information ____________in my report should ______________________to Mr. Smith without delay.(refer to, e-mail)

  75Dont leave the water_______ while you brush your teeth.(run)

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