

发布时间:2010-05-12 22:03:00


  21. The foreigner tried his best, but he still couldn't make his point ___.

  A. understand B. understanding C. to understand D. understood

  22. The scientists were waiting to see the problem ______.

  A. settle B. settled C. to settle D. settling

  23. The library's study room is full of students _____for the exam.

  A. busily prepared B. busy preparing C. busily prepare D. are busily preparing

  24. The ground is _____with ____ leaves.

  A. covering, falling B. covered, falling C. covered, fallen D. covering, fallen

  25. Lessons ____easily were soon forgotten.

  A. to learn B. learn C. learned D. learning

  26. The wallet ____several days ago was found ____in the dustbin outside the building.

  A. stolen, hidden B. stealing, hiding C. stealing, hidden D. stolen, hiding

  27. A person _____a foreign language must be able to use the foreign language, ______all about his own.

  A. to learn, to forget B. learning, to forget

  C. to learn, forgetting D. learning, forgetting

  28. ___different kinds of pianos, the workers farther improved their quality.

  A. To produce B. Being produced C. Produced D. Having produced

  29. The students in the university are all taking courses ___a degree.

  A. coming to B. going to C. leading to D. turning to

  30. Many things _____impossible in the past are very common today.

  A. consider B. considering C. considered D. be considered

  31. ___many times, he still couldn't understand.

  A. Having been told B. Having told C. He having been told D. Telling

  32. The old sick lady entered the hospital, ____her two sons.

  A. to support B. supporting C. supported by D. having supported

  33. China is one of the largest countries in the world, _____9. 6 million square kilometres.

  A. to cover B. covered C. covers D. covering

  34. ____and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.

  A Surprising B. Surprised C. Being surprised D. To be surprising

  35. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks,____ that he had enjoyed his stay here.

  A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added

  36. "Can you read?" Mary said ____to the notice.

  A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing

  37. _____ the composition, John handed it to the teacher and went out of the room.

  A. Writing B. Having written C. Written D. Being written

  38. Were you ____when you saw that wild animal ?

  A. fright B. frightening C. frightened D. frighten

  39. Properly _____with numbers, the books can be easily found.

  A. marked B. mark C. to mark D. marking

  40. The child sat in the dentist's chair ____.

  A. tremble B. trembling C. trembled D. to trembled

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