
Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do

发布时间:2009-03-25 00:00:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

"Success is not measured by what a person accomplishes, but by the
opposition they have encountered, and by the courage with which they have
maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds" --Charles Lindberg

Don't pray for an easy life, without problems - pray to become a strong person. The higher you go in life, the more problems you will have to deal with.  

"The human will, that force unseen,
The offspring of a deathless soul,
Can hew a way to any goal,
Though walls of granite intervene.
Be not impatient in delay,
But wait as one who understands;
When spirit rises and commands,
The gods are ready to obey."
 --James Allen

Rick Gettle - Publisher/Author/Consultant/Speaker - The Master Mind Alliance International. His 'The Science of Success Achievement Course' is the equivalent of a PhD in success from the university of hard knocks!


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