

发布时间:2017-12-02 12:11:00

内容提要:《追梦人》英文版《Tomorrow Will Come》由越南歌手Trish Thuy Trang演唱。歌曲旋律优美,歌词琅琅上口,听起来让人感到十分亲切舒服。



《追梦人》英文版《Tomorrow Will Come》由越南歌手Trish Thuy Trang演唱。歌曲旋律优美,歌词琅琅上口,听起来让人感到十分亲切舒服。

Tomorrow Will Come
Trish Thuy Trang
As time goes by everyday of my life

How I long for yesterday

Slowly years have gone and come

And I know that you'll wait for me till the end

Looking back on days of the past that we had so long ago

I can't hide these feelings all inside

My love continues to grow

Without you here everything is unclear

All that's left of me and you

I'll wait endlessly for you and for us for a love I'll never let go

All my life I'll wait everyday every night for your return

You and I together for all time our flame forever will burn

Oh so faraway I'm holding onto yesterday

I will wait tomorrow tomorrow will come again

As time goes by everyday of my life

How I long for yesterday

Slowly years have gone and come

And I know that you'll wait for me till the end

Looking back on days of the past that we had so long ago

I can't hide these feelings all inside

My love continues to grow

Oh so faraway I'm holding onto yesterday

I will wait tomorrow tomorrow will come again

Without you here everything is unclear

All that's left of me and you

I will wait endlessly for you and for us for a love

I'll never let it go

All my life I'll wait everyday every night for your return

You and I together for all time our flame forever will burn

You and I together for all time our flame forever will burn

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