

发布时间:2011-09-12 11:17:00


When he        the door, he found his keys were nowhere.      
A. would open  B. opened  C. had opened  D. was to open
答案  D
解析  考查非谓语动词。动词不定时的用法。句意为:当他要打开门的时候,他发现他的钥匙不见了。动词不定时表示将要发生的动作。
 At the age of 29, Dave was a worker,        in a small apartment near Boston and ______ what to do about his future.
A. living; wondering   B. lived; wondering
C. lived; wondered   D. living; wondered
答案  A
解析  考查分词的用法。句意为:29岁的大卫,是一个工人,住在一间小公寓在波士顿附近,不知怎么办关于他的未来。现在分词作定语修饰a worker,and 为并列连词,连接相同的成份。
10. (09湖南29)
  Nowadays people sometimes separate their waste to make it easier for it       .
A. reusing  B. reused  C. reuses  D. to be reused
答案  D
解析  考查动词不定时的用法。句意为:现在人们有时把他们的废物分开,以便很容易被重复利用。重新再利用是指将来发生的动作,而且是被动的。故选D。
11. (09湖南31)
  Please do me a favor — ______ my friend Mr. Smith to Youth Theater at 7:30 tonight.
A. to invite  B. inviting  C. invite  D. invited
12. (09江西22)
   _________ the right kind of training , these teenage soccer players may one day grew the international stars. 
A. Giving            B. Having given       C. To give           D. Given 
答案  D
解析  考查非谓语动词。如果把句子补充完整就不难看出:If they are given the right kind of training , 可知主语they 即these teenager soccer players与give 之间是被动的关系,所以用过去分词。根据主、从句主语一致可省略从句主语的原则,连词if 也可省,所以得出given the right kind of training , these teenager soccer players……
13. (09江西34)
 The government plans to bring in new laws _____ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children. 
A. forced            B. forcing            C. to be forced         D. having forced 
答案  B
解析  考查非谓语动词的用法。 现在分词短语作后置定语,修饰new laws ,相当于which forces ……...
14  (09海南30)
 The children all turned         the famous actress as she entered the classroom.
A. looked at    B. to look at          C. to looking at    D. look at
答案  B
解析  句意为:当那位著名的女演员走进了教室,所有的孩子都转过头去看她。turn to 表示“转向,求助”的意思。
15. (09海南35)
 Now that we’ve discussed out problem, are people happy with the decisions           ?
A. taking    B. take   C. taken D. to take
答案  C
解析  考查with +宾语+宾语补足语的用法。句意为:现在,我们已经讨论了问题,是人们最满意的决定? take 与the decisions之间存在的关系是动宾关系,故用过去分词表示被动
16. (09山东22)
We are invited to a party _________in  our club next Friday.  
A. to be held          B. held              C. being held         D. holding  
答案  A
解析  考查非谓语动词的用法,由next month可知时间是在将来,party是被举行,故选A。
17. (09陕西12)
I still remember      to the Famen Temple and what I saw there.  
A. to take            B. to be taken         C. taking             D. being taken 
答案  D
解析  考查非谓语动词。此处非谓语动词做remember的宾语,而remember后用非谓语动词做宾语时,可以用v-ing形式,v-ing表示的动作已经完成,也可用动词不定式,表示的动作还未发生,根据后文的saw可知此处非谓语动词动作已经完成,且与逻辑主语是被动关系,用v-ing的被动式,选D。
18. (09上海31)
 A small plane crashed into a hillside five miles east of the city, _____all four people on board. 
A. killed             B. killing            C. kills               D. to kill 
19. (09上海33)
 With the government’s aid, those _____ by the earthquake have moved to the new settlements. 
A. affect             B. affecting          C. affected           D. were affected 
答案  C
20. (09上海35)
 Bill suggested _____ a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation. 
A. having held        B. to hold            C. holding           D. hold 
答案 C
21. (09上海39)
  David threatened        his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid. 
A. to be reported      B. reporting          C. to report          D. having reported 
22. (09四川4)
  Ladies and gentlemen, please remain __________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.
A. seated            B. seating             C. to seat            D. seat
答案  A
解析  考查非谓语的用法。remain后可接adj, v-ing, v-ed和to be done 等多种形式做表语,在该题中可以把seated视为一个形容词,所以正确答案为A。
23. (09四川2)
 He told us whether _________ a picnic was still under discussion
A. to have            B. having            C. have              D. had
答案 B.
解析  考查非谓语的用法,分析句子可知whether +to do sth. 做了宾语从句的主语, He told us 后省略了宾语从句的引导词that。
24 (09四川10)
 ________ many times, he finally understood it. 
A. Told              B. Telling            C. Having told       D. Having been told 
答案  D
解析  考查非谓语的用法。tell与主语之间的关系是被动和完成的关系,所以用having been done来表示被动和完成。 
25. (09天津4)
 ______ the project in time, the staff were working at weekends.
A. Competing        B. Having completed   C. To have completed   D. To complete
答案  D
26. (09天津9)
  _____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land.
A. Being encouraged                       B. Encouraging
C. Encouraged                            D. Having encouraged
答案 C
  _______and short of breath, Andy and Ruby were the first to reach the top of Mount Tai.
A. the; a        B. Tired    C. Tiring    D. Being tired
 There is a great deal of evidence _______ that music activities engage different parts of the brain.
 A. indicate       B. indicating   C. to indicate   D. to be indicating
29. (09重庆25)
 Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, ______with his old one.  
A. comparing           B. compares          C. to compare          D. compared 
答案 D
30. (09重庆29)
  With the world changing fast, we have something new           with all by ourselves every day.
A. deal                   B. dealt             C. to deal               D. dealing 
31. (09全国Ⅱ16)
 They use computers to keep the traffic         smoothly.    
A. being run          B. run               C. to run             D. running   
答案  D
解析  考查非谓语动词Ving,这儿构成(keep sth. doing。
32. (09江苏26)
  Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year,         reduce unemployment pressures.
A. help                    B. to have helped          C. to help            D. having helped
33. (09江苏32)
Distinguished guests and friends, welcome to our school,        the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad.
A. Attend               B. To attend                 C. Attending         D. Having attended
I like getting up very early in summer.The morning air is so good   .
A.to be breathed   B.to breathe   C.breathing    D.being breathed
答案  B
解析  在“主语+be+adj.+to do”结构中,动词不定式用主动形式表被动意义。
—Did the book give the information you needed?
—Yes.But   it, I had to read the entire book.
A.to find     B.find    C.to be finding   D.finding
答案  A
解析  答语句意为:是的,但是为了找到它,我不得不阅读了整本书。表示目的要用动词不定式形式。由于不表示正在进行,故不用进行时态。
I feel greatly honored  into their society.
A.to welcome    B.welcoming   C.to be welcomed  D.welcomed
答案  C
解析  welcome与“I”之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故welcome须用被动语态形式。该句语意相当于I feel it a great honor to be welcomed into their society.。
It is worth considering what makes“convenience” foods so popular, and  better ones of
your own.
A.introduces    B.to introduce  C.introducing   D.introduced
答案  C
解析  本题句意为:值得考虑一下什么使得“方便”食品这么受人欢迎,并且介绍一下你自己比较喜欢的那些“食品”。and连接consider与introduce,故introduce也要用v.ing形式作为worth的宾语使用。
    their hats into the air, the fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory.
A.To throw    B.Thrown    C.Throwing    D.Being thrown
答案  C
解析  throw与句子主语the fans之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词作状语。A项表示动作还未发生;B、D两项表示被动,均不符合句意。
I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t mention   when we talked on the phone.
A.to promote    B.having been promotedC.having promoted  D.to be promoted
答案  B
解析  句意为:我听说他们提拔了汤姆,但我们在电话中交谈时汤姆并未提及被提拔之事。mention后跟名词或动名词作宾语,此处要用动名词的完成被动式表示,“被提拔”的动作在mention前发生。
We finished the run in less than half the time  .
A.allowing    B.to allow    C.allowed    D.allows
答案  C
解析  句意为:我们用了不到被允许的时间的一半就跑完了。time后缺少定语,“时间”与“允许”之间是被动关系,因此用过去分词形式。
The trees   in the storm have been moved off the road.
A.being blown down  B.blown down   C.blowing down   D.to blow down
答案  B
解析  句意为:在暴风雨中被吹倒的树已经被从道路上移走了。“树木”的后面缺少定语,因为blow down与trees之间是动宾关系,且是已经完成的动作,故用过去分词短语blown down。
   the project as planned,we’ll have to work two more hours a day.
A.Completing    B.Complete   C.Completed    D.To complete
答案  D
解析  句意为:为了按计划完成工程,我们不得不每天多工作两个小时。此处用动词不定式作状语,表示目的。
 Susan wanted to be independent of her parents.She tried   alone,but she didn’t like it and moved back home.
A.living     B.to live    C.to be living   D.having lived
答案  A
解析  句意为:苏姗不想依赖父母。她试着一个人生活,但不喜欢这样,又搬回家去了。try doing sth.试着做某事;try to do sth.尽力去做某事。
    around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.
A.Having shown   B.To be shown   C.Having been shown  D.To show
答案  C
解析  show与take之间有明显的时间先后关系,且句子的主语与show构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故该空格处用现在完成时的被动形式。
We had an anxious couple of weeks   for the results of the experiment.
A.wait     B.to be waiting  C.waited    D.waiting
答案  D
解析  句意为:我们度过了焦急的几周,等待着实验结果。本题用现在分词waiting作伴随状语。
    to reach them on the phone,we sent an email instead.
A.Fail     B.Failed    C.To fail    D.Having failed
答案  D
解析  考查非谓语动词作状语,与主语构成主谓关系。
   that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest.
A.Not realized   B.Not to realize  C.Not realizing   D.Not to have realized
答案  C
解析  realize与句子的主语构成主谓关系,故排除A项;B项和D项都指将来的动作,故选C。
 It is one of the funniest things   on the Internet so far this year.
A.finding    B.being found   C.to find    D.found
答案  D
解析  found此处为过去分词作后置定语,用来修饰things, 与things构成被动关系。句意为:这是今年到目前为止在因特网上发现的最滑稽的事情之一。
   in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the
A.Waiting     B.To wait    C.Having waited   D.To have waited
答案  C
解析  逗号前的部分是时间状语,不定式一般不作时间状语,首先排除B、D两项;wait的动作在realize之前,故用分词的完成式。
 —Can those   at the back of the classroom hear me?
—No problem.
A.seat     B.sit     C.seated    D.sat
答案  C
解析    at the back of the classroom为分词短语作定语。sit为不及物动词,可用sitting...作定语;seat为及物动词,常与反身代词连用或用be seated形式。这里seat 与those构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用其过去分词作定语。
 He was busy writing a story, only   once in a while to smoke a cigarette.
A.to stop    B.stopping   C.to have stopped  D.having stopped
答案  B
解析  句意为:他在忙着写一个故事,只是偶尔停下来抽支烟。此处应为现在分词短语作伴随状语,表示与write伴随的动作。A项通常作目的状语和结果状语。
 Please remain   ;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.
A.seating    B.seated    C.to seat    D.to be seated
答案  B
解析  句意为:请在座位上坐着;很快就会宣布获奖者。seat是及物动词,remain/be seated保持坐着的状态,坐着。
 To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English   as much as we can.A.speak     B.speaking    C.spoken    D.to speak
答案  C
解析  此处考查hear+宾语+do/doing/done结构。因为English是“被说”,故用spoken作宾补,表示被动。
 Lucy’s new job paid twice as much as she had made   in the restaurant.
A.working    B.work     C.to work    D.worked
答案  A
解析  working in the restaurant为现在分词短语在句中作状语。
   that she was going off to sleep, I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed.A.Seeing     B.To see    C.See     D.Seen
答案  A
解析  see这一动作由句子的主语“I”发出,故空格处须用现在分词。

第二部分 各地联考题汇编
.All of a sudden, a man who held a gun knocked down an old woman and took her
bag, __________ round the corner.
A. disappeared         B. disappearing   
C. having disappeared      D. to disappear
答案:B. 现在分词短语做结果状语。
Mother told Jim to watch the milk until it boiled and then _________ off the gas.
 A. turn   B. turning  C. turned   D. having turned
The 16th Asian Games       in Guangzhou from November 12 to November 27,2010.
   A.was held         B.was holding    
C.will be held      D.will be holding
A few days after the interview.I received a letter       me admission to the university.
A.offering          B.offered     
C.having offered      D.to be offered
—Bob! How’s your project? I heard you started it last Friday,right?
—Oh!I           for it.But I haven’t decided when to do it.
A.have prepared         B.had prepared
C.have been preparing     D.was preparing
On October 1st, 2009, a grand ceremony was held _______ the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
A.celebrating  B.to celebrate  C.to have celebrated D.having celebrated
My headache ______ me.I thought it was going away, but now it’s getting worse and worse.
A.is killing       B.kills           C.killed           D.has killed
Which exports      an important role in its economic growth now, this province has been affected by the global economic downturn.
 A.played B.to play C.playing D.play
Large quantities of fish _______ in the river in the past few days.
A. were caught B. was caught   C. has been caught    D. have been caught
--- Hi, Tracy, you look tired.
--- I’m tired. I ______ the living room all day.
A. painted         B. had painted       C. have been painting     D. have pained
----Why are your hands so dirty? 
----I ____________in the garden.  
A. was working       B. have worked       C. worked          D. have been working
Had you joined the caht room ten minutes ago, you would have known what we _______about then.
A. had talked          B. have talked       C. talk                 D. were talking
We tried hard, and eventually, we were able to get Mike ____us his car just for a day.
A. lending            B. lend            C. to lend               D. lent
We were very excited at the sight of two five-star red flags rising in the stadium, two pairs of Chinese athletes _________ at the moment.
   A. to award    B. awarded     C. awarding      D. being awarded.
As the saying goes, one is never too old to learn. After he _____, he will devote himself to gardening.  
   A.  retired B.  has retired      C.  will retire         D.  had retired   
These surveys indicate that many crimes go _____ by the police, mainly because not all
victims report them.  
 A.to be unrecorded      B.unrecorded
C.to have been unrecorded         D.unrecording
_____ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colors.  
A. Grow  B. To grow C. Growing             D. Grown   
The young man,who by then     admission to university,decided to do some part-time jobs to gain more practical experience.
 A. gained    B. was gaining   C. has gained   D. had gained
A big earthquake __________7.1 on the Richter scale struck Yushu, knocking down buildings and causing more than two thousands people to lose their lives.
A. measured   B. measuring  C. to be measured   D. measures
—Did you know any French before you arrived in Paris?
—Never _______it, actually.
A. I learned    B. have I learned    C. had I learned   D. was I learned
To our disappointment, the trip we had been looking forward to __________ in the pouring rain.
A. starting   B. start   C. to start   D. started
He looked around and caught a man _______ his hand into the passenger's pocket.
 A.put    B.to be putting  C.to put      D.putting
—Let’s throw a surprise party for mom’s  50th birthday.
—That’s a good idea. We        several of her friends.
 A.invite    B.had invited  C.are inviting  D.will invite
He dressed quickly, _______ hurriedly, grabbed his briefcase and hurried off down the hotel corridor.
A. shave         B.  shaving     C. to shave        D. shaved
It’s reported that the bridge _______ next year will be very long.
  A. being built      B. building        C. to be built        D. built
Mr Jones, a new teacher, stood in front of the students, his body ________ with fear. 
  A.trembling        B. trembled         C.was trembling     D. was trembled
He hurried to the booking office only ______ that all the tickets had been sold out.
  A. told            B. to tell             C. to be told       D. telling
To learn more about the book, Saving Ourselves, ________ to www.saving ourselves.com.
  A. going           B. to go              C. gone            D. go
There is a small group of English words which even some native speakers and writers find _____.
   A. puzzled        B. to be puzzled       C. to puzzle         D. puzzling
Teenagers _______ their health because they often expose themselves to so many electric products.
A. have damaged B. are damaging C. damaged D. will damage
1. (安徽省利辛二中2010届高三上学期第四次月考)
When      again ,the suspect(嫌疑人) had to admit that he had kidnapped a child and sold him.
 A. question          B questioning         C questioned         D to question
答案   C
2. (安徽省屯溪一中2010届高三上学期期中考试)
_____to his research work, the professor cared little about any other things.
  A. Devoting     B. Devoted     C. Having devoted   D. To devote
答案   B
If ______ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.
  A. giving   B. give    C. being given   D. given
答案  D
4. (甘肃省兰州一中2010届高三12月月考)
We hurried there     a note pinned on the door,      us the postponement of the meeting.
 A.to find; to inform  B.finding; informed
 C.only to find; informing D.found; inform
答案   C
5. (甘肃省天水一中2010届高三上学期第三阶段考试)
       things as they are and you will enjoy every day of your life.
A. Take          B. To take  C. Taking  D. Taken
答案  A
6. (贵州省兴义九中09-10学年高三上学期期中考试)
Judging from his        look, I can say Mr. Li is        at our arrival at this time.
A. annoying, annoyed           B. annoying, annoying
C. annoyed, annoyed            D. annoyed, annoying
答案   C
7. (江西省九江一中2010届高三上学期第三次月考)
Our house _____ white, we like it better.
   A. painted             B. has been painted    C.  painting          D. is painted
答案  A
8. (宁夏银川一中2010届高三上学期第五次月考)
There Was an oil painting____ in the corner.It _____ there for several days.
A.laying,had laid                          B.lain,had laid
C.lying,had lain                           D.laid,had been lain
答案   C
9. (山东省潍坊市2010届高三上学期阶段性测试)
He picked up an envelope ____50 dollars in it.
A. containing                            B. contained  
C. which contains                         D. which was contained
答案   A
10. (河南省郑州外国语学校2010届高三上学期第三次月考)
With water ______ constantly, the brave solider jumped into the river to save the drowning villager.
  A. to rise        B. rising        C. risen        D. rose
答案   B
11. (湖南省衡阳市2010届高三三校12月联考)
_______ himself with necessary knowledge and skills, the young man went to the job market with much confidence.
A. Equipped         B. Equipping     C. Having equipped D. Being equipped
答案   C
12. (江西省白鹭洲中学2010届高三第三次月考)
On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems
     ____paid special attention to
      A. referring to being   B. referred to be       C. refer to be        D. referred to being
答案   B
13. (山西省山大附中2010届高三12月月考)
Every evening after dinner, if not        from work, I will spend some time walking my dog.  A. being tired B. tiring  C. tired  D. to be tired
答案   C
14. (安徽省两地三校2010届高三上学期元旦联考)
--- I’m really hungry now.
   --- That’s because you have left your lunch ______.
  A. untouching     B. to be untouched    C. untouched     D. being untouched
答案   C
15. (广西桂林十八中2010届高三第五次月考)
This global downtown has hit harder von the countries least prepared,      them paying a terrible price in unemployment and taxes.
 A. to result in B. resulting in C. resulted in D. results in
答案   B
16. (河南省开封高中2010届高三上学期1月月考)
The world’s largest Jiaozi was made,         an incredible 480 kilogrammes.
A.weighing B.weighed C.to weigh D.being weighed
答案   A
17. (河南省武陟一中2010届高三上学期第四次月考)
        in faraway northwest, this place has its beautiful fresh air.
A.Being located      B.Located 
C.locating  D.To be located
答案   B
18. (湖南省长沙市一中2010届高三第六次月考)
Sometimes we hurried to the bathhouse at university, only to see a sign _______ into the ground _______ the pipes were broken.
A. knocked; reading          B. knocking; reading
C. knocked; read           C. knocked; to read
答案   A
19. (江苏省南京师大附中2010届高三12月阶段测试)
_____________ his body and soul to bringing up-to-date technology and international attention to China's Aids problem, Dr David Ho, born in Taiwan, spent little time with his family.
A. Devoted         B. To devote        C. Being devoted    D. Devoting
答案   D
20. (江苏省盐城市2010届高三第二次学情测评)
______ our shoes in our hands, we crossed the stream.
   A. To carry      B. Carrying     C. Carried     D. Carry
答案   B
21. (浙江省金华一中2010届高三12月联考)
The students in the university are all taking courses        to a degree.
 A.lead B.leading C.led D.to be leading
答案   B

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