Life Coaching with Purpose and Passion

发布时间:2011-03-01 16:28:00

内容提要:I have to say I usually want to throw up when I hear someone say each of us has a purpose.

    have to say I usually want to throw up when I hear someone say each of us has a purpose because I realize that is so far from most people's reality that it is cliché. I do believe it to be true and I believe that as humans we all feel that we must be here for a purpose but I also know that most of us have no idea what that purpose is and that most people need to know how to discover their purpose.

    For most people the problem is not believing that they have a Passion

    I know you hear it all the time "find your passion". That is hard to do if you have become so numb that you don't know what your passion could possibly be. We all have a purpose and a passion but many of us were told we couldn't, we shouldn't or our idea was just flat dumb. Somehow we seem to hang onto our failures and limits more than we do our success.


    Stop and think about the things that you have always done well and loved to do. What are the things that people have come to you help with? What have people always told you that you had a natural ability to do? What would you do even if no one paid you to do it?


    Most people think of what formal education or training when they begin to examine their skills. But your skills include hobbies, areas of study that may have been informal, areas of interest where you know much more than the average person, and areas of expertise that you may have gained simply by living life and learning from it. For example, I have been involved in weight lifting and fitness since I was in my twenties and have a great deal of self-taught knowledge about bodybuilding.

    All I had to do was take an exam from a certifying organization to gain my certification and a fitness trainer.


    When you examine your skill set be sure to look at the wide variety of interest and study you have including informal and self taught education. Typically, these will be areas that you love, enjoy and are passionate about and that is why you have chosen to spend time and energy to learn and study. Your success will always be greater when you are working in an area that you are passionate about.

    Read more:

·Words To Inspire Your Kids 05-26
·一片面包 中英文版04-03
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·Does Belief Make Difference to Our Life? 01-29
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