
必修三 Unit 4 单元测试

发布时间:2010-04-19 10:37:00

内容提要:1. What would happen if there were no __________ (大气层).

C. 完成句子

16. You will understand my kindness _______ _______ (最终).

17. What he said was quite ________ _________ _______ ________ ________ (与他做的不一样).

18. You are not allowed _______ ________ ________ ________ (在这里踢足球).

19. The boy is _______ the hole ________ ________ (正往洞里灌沙子).

20. When the war ______ ______ (爆发), he was working in the navy.


21.This painting is splendid,but ________we actually need it is a different matter.

       A. that   B. what           C. whether      D. how

22.           you like it or not,you'll have to give up smoking.

     A. If           B. Whether         C. How      D. Why

23.They don’t allow ______here.That is to say,we are not allowed _____here.

       A. to smoke;to smoke           B. smoking;smoking

       C. to smoke;smoking            D. smoking;to smoke

24. All these gifts must be mailed immediately so as to be received _______Christmas.

  A. after      B. in time        C. in time for     D. in no time

25.The way he did it was different _______we were used to.

  A. in which      B. in what     C. from what      D. from which

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