

发布时间:2010-03-08 13:51:00

内容提要:高中英语教学交流网 http://zshunj.cn

    5."Be nice." No-brainer. But I'm going to include an addendum: "Be genuinely nice."


    6. 享用每一顿

    6. "Savor every meal." I can barely sit still or be offline for more than five minutes. While this advice might seem simple, I dare you to try to eat slowly, chew carefully, put your fork down between every bite, breathe and turn off all outside distractions when you sit down to each and every meal. At first, I felt like I was going to lose my mind; then I began to appreciate each opportunity I had to eat. I became grateful for every morsel. And most surprisingly for me, my days stopped zipping by so quickly.


    7. 肯定他人

    "Support other women instead of criticizing them." Oprah thinks we gals are too judgmental of each other. My gut response was defensiveness and finger pointing; I even judged Oprah for judging me for being too judgmental. But then I took a good hard look at my habit of criticizing the other women's choices and priorities, and realized she was right. I think my reward in achieving this goal will to also become less judgmental of myself. Frankly, the woman I'm the hardest on - who I beat up emotionally and spiritually - is me.


    8. 肯定自己

    8. "Stop defining yourself by what you see - or what you think you see - when you look in the mirror." This would be easier if I didn't have such a crooked nose, flabby belly and giant man-sized feet. That was supposed to be a joke. But sadly, it's what I see in my reflection, and where I focus my dissatisfaction.


    9. 9. "Get a lift when you come in the front door." Oprah said this in response to a show about decorating, and last year, I hung photos and added fun tchotchkes to my entryway. These items never failed to make me happy. But this year, I'm also taking a moment to think of something I am grateful for, right before I enter. So, my "lift" doesn't have to come from physical stuff, but rather from within. It sounds a little sappy, I know, but I'm being sincere.


    10. 亲近大自然

    10. "Reconnect with nature." Oprah originally intended this statement to be a call for us to take in the beauty of a specific season: Spring. And it was a lovely thought. But right now, in the height of a nasty winter in Chicago, it's more of a challenge to stay connected to the world around me. It's a time I want to bundle up, keep my head down, and just pray for the days to go by quickly until I can see the sun again. But this disconnection keeps me from living entirely in the moment. I think accepting and relating to the natural world around me will (like savoring every meal) keep me present and stop the clock's hands from circling its face at breakneck speed.


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